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118 THE CONDOR Vol. XX per Orn. Club, ?, 1899, p. 11) described Pipilo fuscus carolae, from Battle Creek, uear Balls Ferry, Shasta County, California. This subspecies was accepted by the A. O. U. Committee (Auk, xvIII, 1901, p. 306), but was subsequently repudi- ated both by the original describer (McGregor, Pac. Coast Avif., no. 2, 1901, p. 15) and by the A. O. U. Committee (Auk, xxI, 1904, p. 415), as supposedly rep- Points from which s?ecimeas were examined: Some impotent Doin? from which the species has been recorded Dre?o?ly but from which no ?'ig. 19. DISTRIBUTION 1N CALIFORNIA OF TI?E SUBSPECIES OF Pipilo crissalis. resenting the fresh fall plumage of Pipilo c. crissalis. The name carolae was later revived by Grinnell (Condor, xIv, 1912, p. 199; Pac. Coast Avif., no. 11,'1915, p. 134) as designating a race occupying northern California and the Sacramento Valley. Recently obtained material is corroborative of the validity of this sub- species with a more extensive range than was heretofore supposed.