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THE CONDOR [ VoL. VIII Applegarth, Miss May S., Haywards. t9o5. Appleton, J. S., Simi, Ventura County. t9oL Arnold, Dr. Ralph, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. ?893. Atkinson, Win. L., 28 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose. ?899. Bade, Win. F., Box 3?7, Berkeley. t9o3 . Bailey, Henry F., 94 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. ?9o2. Bailey, H. H., 54 St., Newport News, Va. t9o3. Bailey, Vernon, Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. t9o 4. Barnwell, Reginald, Alhambra. I9O4 . Bay, J. C., Stella, Shasta Co. I9O3. Beal, Prof. F. E. L., Haywards, Cal. ?9o3 . Beck, Rollo H., Berryessa. I894. Bishop, Dr. Louis B., 356 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. I9O 4. Bohlman,'He[man T., 46 N. 9th St., Portland, Ore. I9O3 . Bolton, A. L., ?7oo Bonte Ave., Berkeley. ?897. Boring, Miss Ora, 3t W. Willow St., Stockton. ?9oI. Bow[es, C. W., 4or So. G St., Tacoma, Wash. t9o3. Bowles, J. H., 4o? So. G St., Tacoma, Wash. t9o3. Brewster, William, t45 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. t9o 4. Brooks, Allan, Okanogan Landing: Br. Colum- bia. ?9o6. Brown, Miss Alice M., Pacific Grove. t9o4. Brown, Herbert, Yuma, Arizona. x9o 3. Bryan, Win. Alanson, Bishop Museum, Hono- lulu, H.T. t9o5. Carpenter, Nelson, Box 74, Stanford University. t9ot. Cartiger, Henry W., Sonoma, Sonoma Co. t895. Chainberlin, Corydon. (No address at present). t893. Chainberlin, Geo. D. (No address at present). t893. Chambers, W. Lee, Santa Monica. ?897. Chapman, Miss Bertha L., 404 Walsworth Ave., Oakland. t9ot. Chapman, Frank M., Amer. Museum Natural History, New York City. t9o3. Cheney, E. S., 675 E. 25th St., Oakland. t9o 4. Childs, John Lewis, Floral Park, N.Y. ?9o4 . Clark, Ulysses S., San Jose. t894. Clemens, Rev. Joseph, Monterey. ?9o3. Clifton, H. T., P.O. Box4o4, Pasadena. t9o 4. Coale, Henry K., Highland Park, Ill. t9o6. Cohen, Donald A., Alameda. t894. Colburn, A. E., t2o4 So. Main St., Los Angeles. t9o5. Cooper, Jas. S., ttaywards. t9o 3. Cosper, Chas. E., So. Pasadena. t9o6. Cummings, Claude, Pinole, Contra Costa Co. t897. Currier, Ed. S., Box E, St. Johns, Multnomah Co., Oregon. t9o 4. Daggett, Frank S., 44I Postal Telegraph Bldg.? Chicago, Ill. I895. Davis, Evan, Orange. ?894. Dawson, W. Leon, 5528 I5th Ave., University Sta., Seattle, Wash. I9O6. Dean, W. F., Three Rivers, Tulare Co. iojoi. Deane, Ruthven, 504 N. State St., Chicago, Ill. I9O4. Deane, Walter, 29 Brewster St., Cambridge, Mass. 19o4 . D'Evelyn, Dr. F. W., 2IO3 Clinton Ave., Ala- meda. t9o5 . Dille, Fred. M., 2927 W. 28th Ave., Denver, Colo. I9O3. Dixon, Joseph, 50 Worcester Ave., Pasadena. I9O4. Donnell, W. B., tot S. Euclid Ave., Pasadena. /9o5 Donnelly, Miss M. G., Vernal Ave., Piedmont. t9o5. Dutcher, William, 525 Manhattan Ave., New York City. x9o5 . Dwight, Dr. Jonathan, It., 2 E. 34th St., New York City. t9o4. Eastman, F. B., Lieut. ruth Inf., Ft. Lawton, Seattle, Wash. t9o4. Emerson, W. Otto, Haywards. i894. Eschenburg, Miss Ida M., 2445 Chauning Way, Berkeley. t9o3. Fair, Paul J., Box 338, Palo Alto. I9o 5. Feudge, John B., 736 So. Grand Ave., Los Angeles. t9o2 Finley, Win. L., 264 Madison St., Portland, Oreg. t9oo. Fisher, Dr. A. K., Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. t9o4. Fisher, Dr. Walter K., Box 77, Palo Alto. t9oo. Flanagan, John It., 392 Benefit St.. Providence, R.I. t9o 4. Forrester, Miss G. B. (Address unknown) t9o3. Fowler, Fred It., 22t Kingsley Ave., Palo Alto. Franklin, Burnell, xoo8 So. Fair Oaks Ave., So. Pasadena. t9oL Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N.Y. 19o4. Gallaher, William, 2240 Telegraph Ave., Ber- keley. I9o 5. Gane, Henry Stewart, Santa Barbara. i9o3 . Gault, Benj. T., Glen Ellyn, Du Page Co., Ill. I9O5. Gay, Harold S., Craftonville. t898. Gaylord, Dr. Horace A., Pasadena. t9o4. Gifford, Edw. W., 3256 BriggsAve., Alameda. t 904. Gilbert, Dr. Chas.'H., Stanford Univ. t9o2. Gilman, M. French, Breen, La Plata Co., Colo. ?9ot. Goldman, E. A., Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. ?9oo. Gorham, Harry W., Santa Monica. t9o4.