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July, 19o6 I DIRECTORY OF CLUB MEMBERS lO 3 Grant, Chapman, 65 Central Park W., New York, N.Y. ?9o5 . Grey, Henry, 557 5nd St., San Francisco. 1901. Grinnell, Joseph, 572 N. Marengo Ave., Pasa- dena. x894. Groesbeck, Chas. E., Ocean Park. J897. 11ahn, Benj. W., Pasadena. 19oo. Hanford, Forrest S., 1363 ?th St, Oakland. x9oo. Hanna, Wilson C., Box 146, Colton. I9O2. 1tarding, Mrs. J. C., Antioch. ?9o3. Harker, Miss K. V. D., Iii W. Valerio St., Santa Barbara. I9O 5. Heller, Ednmnd, Riverside. i894. IIollaud, Harold M., Box 515, Galesburg, Ill. I9O?. ttoover, Theodore J., Bodie, Mono Co. ?898. H6ward, Edward A., Hotel Potter, Santa Bar- bara. 19o5. Howard, O. W., Box x177 , Los Angeles. x895. Humphrey, H. B., 38? Channing Ave., Palo Alto. I9O5. 11nnter, J. S., 5II 5 Allstou Way, Berkeley. 19 3. Illingworth, J. F., 52o? liaryard Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. I896. h?gersoll, A.M., 8?8 5th St., San Diego. IS95. Ingram, Win. N., Pacific Grove. 19oL Jacksen, Willis H., Pescadero. ?9oi. Jay, Alphouse, I625 Pennsylvania Ave., Los Angeles. ?9ol. Jay, Autonin, 1622 Pennsylvania Ave., Los An- geles. ?9o?. Jenkins, Hubert O., Stanford University. ?9o2. Jordan, Dr. David Starr, Stanford Univ. 19o2. Judson, W.B., 5?oo. Pasadena Ave., Los An- geles. x894. Julien, Miss Lillian M., Yreka. 19ol. Kaeding, Geo. L., Box 959, Goldfield, Nev. ?9o3. Kaeding, Henry B., care of Cal. Academy Sciences, San Francisco. 1895. Keeney, Ashby H., 2673 Menlo Ave., Los Angeles. 19o 4 . Kellogg, Vernon L., Stanford University. ?9o?. Kessing, La. wrence R., ?43o Santa Clara Ave- hue, Alameda. 1899. Keyes, Chas. R., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. i9oo. King, Geo. W., Santa Rosa. 19o6. Knickerbocker, Chas. K., 503 Western Union Bldg., Chicago, Ill. i9o 5. Kuhls, Elsa F., San Ramon, Contra Costa Co. 19o4. Lamb, Chester C., Box i94 , Berkeley. 1899. Law, J. Eugene, Hollywood. ?9oo. Lelande, H. J., city Hall, Los Angeles. ?897. Littlejohn, Chase, Redwood City. 19Ol. Loomis, Leverett Mills, Cal. Academy Sciences, San Francisco. ?9o5. Love, Chas. A., 3353 52rid St., San Francisco. ?9ox. Luce, Geo. W., Haywards. ?9o4 . Mailliard, John W., 31o California St., Sau- Francisco. x894. Mailliard, Joseph, 18x 5 Vallejo St., San Fran- cisco. 1895. Marsden, H. W., care Frank Stepheus, Sau Diego. ?9o5 . Masters, Mrs. Willis W., 494 Kensington Place, Pasadena. ?9o4. Mathews, Miss Ellen, 21o 3 Union Avenue, Los Angeles. x9oJ. May, E. Crawford, 485 Maylin St., Pasadena. x9o4 . McGregor, R. C., Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I. ?893. McLain, R. B., Market and i2th Sts'., Wheel- ing, W. Va. 1897. Mearns, ?laj. Edgar A., War Dept., Washing- ton, I). C. ?9o5 . Metz, Charles W., 353 W. Loucks St., Sheri- dan, Wyo. ?9o6. Miller, John M., Parlier. ?9o3 . Miller, Loye Holmes, State Normal School, [,os Angeles. i9o 5. Miner, Dr. H. N., The Eagles' Nest, Beu Lo- mond. 19o 3. Moody, Mrs. C. A., 5I 5 East Avenue 4 I, Los Angeles. 1898. Moran, R. B., 661 Waverly St., Palo Alto. 1897. Moreore, G. Freat?, 726 Lake St., Los Angeles. 19o4. Nace, C. A., Santa Clara. 19oo. Nelson, E. W., Dept. Agriculture, Washington, I). C. I9O 4. Newbnry, F. E., ? I53 Washington St., Oakland. ?9o4 Newcombe, C. L., 1535 W. 6th St., Los An- geles. 1906. Newkirk, Dr. Garrett, Slavin Block, Pasadena. x9oo. Newland, Lloyd, 2?8 Addison Ave., Palo Alto. ? 9o3 . Newsome, Miss Jessie L., 48t Sherman St., Oakland. 19o 3 . Noack, H. R., 936 Poplar St., Oakland. ?9oL Oberhotser, Harry C., ?349 Harvard St., N. W., Washington, 1). C. I9O 4. Osgood, Wilfred H., Dept. Agriculture, Wash- ington, 1). C. 1893. Owem Virgil W., Tajo Bldg., care U.S. Dist. Court, Los Angeles. i896. Palmer, C. F., 436 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto. ?9o$. Palmer, Dr. F. M., Laughlin Blk., Los Ange- les. ?9o2. Palmer, Dr. T. S., Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. ?9o3. Park, Edgar, Thather School, Nordhoff, Ven- tura Co. ?9o5 . Peabody, Rev. P. B., Box 55, Newcastle, Wyo- ming. ?9o4 . Pemberton, J. Roy, 771 Haight St., San Fran- cisco. 19oo. Pierce, Wright M., Box H6, Claremont. ?9o5.