Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/244

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eighth Alabama regiments, consolidated, (841-844) Col. Bushrod Jones says that on May 12th, one company of pickets was left under the command of Major Thornton. "I claim only for my regiment that, with a full knowledge of the superior forces massed in their front, they advanced with cool and deliberate gallantry, and that they endured all that brave men can be expected to do. . . . I regret to state that Maj. Harry Thornton is among the wounded, but his wound, though disabling for several weeks perhaps, is not dangerous. He endeavored to remain with the regiment, but, after a trial of several days, he was compelled to go to the rear. . . . May 25th, the losses were very heavy, equal to the average losses of a heavy battle. . . . Lieut. J. G. Goldthwait was wounded in the wrist, and Capt. G. W. Cox had his left thigh broken; both behaved with distinguished gallantry. Lieutenant Mills was slightly wounded in the leg." At daylight, May 26th, the Fifty-eighth relieved the Eighteenth in the trenches (near New Hope church). May 15th, 15 killed, 54 wounded, out of 345 engaged. May 25th, 3 killed, 36 wounded, out of 225 engaged.

No. 78—(854) September 20, 1864, Maj. Harry I. Thornton, in Holtzclaw's brigade; Colonel Jones commanding brigade.

No. 79—(897) November 7, 1864, Thirty-second and Fifty-eighth consolidated, under Colonel Jones, 240 strong, with Gen. H. D. Clayton.

No. 93—(665) In Holtzclaw's brigade, army of Tennessee, Nashville campaign.

No. 103, No. 104—March 10, 1865, in Holtzclaw's brigade, district of the Gulf. April, called the Thirty-second. (1131) Consolidated regiment, under Major Kimbell, ordered to be ready to skirmish with the enemy near Magnolia, and, if pressed, fall back to Spanish Fort, March 20th.


The Fifty-ninth Alabama was formed from the Second and Fourth battalions of Hilliard's legion, at Charleston, Tenn., November 25, 1863, under the command of Col. Bolling Hall, Jr. It was in Gracie's brigade and took part in the East Tennessee campaign. It was at the investment of Knoxville, and the fights at Dandridge