Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/245

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and Bean's Station. In April, 1864, it reached Richmond, and took part in the battles around that city; lost heavily at Drewry's, and was in the fight with Sheridan. It was in the trenches at Petersburg, and in conflicts in the vicinity, losing a number at Hatcher's Run and White Oak road. It was engaged at Appomattox and surrendered as part of Gordon's corps, Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson's division. Colonel Hall being wounded, and Lieut.-Col. John D. McLennan killed, at Drewry's, George W. Huguley succeeded to the command; Maj. Lewis H. Crumpler, who was distinguished for his gallantry in the battle of Chickamauga, was in command in April, 1865. Capt. H. H. Rutledge was killed at Drewry's, and Capt. Zach Daniel at Hatcher's Run; Adjt. Crenshaw Hall, Capts. S. E. Reaves and R. F. Manly were wounded at Drewry's; the latter was wounded and captured at Hatcher's Run; Capt. John E. Hall was wounded at Petersburg; Capts. J. C. Hendrix and J. W. Dillard died in the service, and Capt. J. Lang was twice wounded.


Fifty-ninth Alabama infantry, formed from Second and Fourth battalions, Hilliard's legion, Col. Bolling Hall, Jr. No. 54—(534, 535) Mentioned in report of Gen. Bushrod Johnson, engagement at Bean's Station, December 14, 1863.

No. 58—(642) Gracie's brigade, Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson's troops, January 31, 1864.

No. 59—(722) March 31, 1862, in Gracie's brigade, Longstreet's department. (802) April 20, 1864, in Gracie's brigade, Gen. B. R. Johnson's corps.

No. 68—(207) In Gracie's brigade, Ransom's division. Forces in the Richmond and Petersburg lines, May 5 to 10, 1864.

No. 69—(862) May 31, 1864, in Gracie's brigade, Ransom's troops.

No. 81—(703) June 30, 1864, mentioned by Gen. Bushrod Johnson; about 250 strong.

No. 88—(1065) September 28, 1864, mentioned by Gen.