Page:Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria.djvu/34

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Art. 147

Sundays and officially recognised holidays shall be legally protected as days of spiritual edification and rest from work

Art. 148

If there is a need for worship and pastoral care in hospitals, penal institutions or other public institutions, the religious communities must be permitted, but in no way compelled, to perform religious acts

Art. 149

(1) 1 The municipalities must ensure that every deceased person can be buried in a fitting manner 2 The involvement of the religious communities shall be determined by themselves

(2) The burial of persons of different faith in a cemetery intended for particular religious communities must be permitted in the forms that are customary for them and without segregation if another suitable burial site is not available

(2) In all other respects, the simultaneous use of the churches and cemeteries shall be governed by the previous law, unless changes have been made by a law

Art. 150

(1) The churches shall be entitled to provide the training and further education for their clerics in their own church institutions of higher education

(2) The theological departments at the institutions of higher education shall be maintained
