Page:Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria.djvu/35

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Fourth part

Economy and work

Section 1

The economic system

Art. 151

(1) The entirety of the economic activity shall serve the public good, in particular the guarantee of a decent existence for every person and the gradual increase of the standard of living of all social classes

(2) 1 Within the framework of those purposes, the freedom of contract shall apply in accordance with the law 2 The freedom of the development of personal decision-making power and the freedom of the independent economic activity of individuals shall be acknowledged on principle 3 The economic freedom of the individual shall be limited by the consideration for others and the moral demands of the public good

4 Legal transactions which damage the community and which are immoral, in particular any economically exploitable contracts, shall be illegal and void

Art. 152

1 The ordered production and distribution of economic goods in order to meet the needs of the people shall be supervised by the state 2 The state shall be responsible for ensuring the electricity supply in Bavaria

Art. 153

1 Independent small and medium-sized enterprises in agriculture, craft, commerce, trade and industry must be furthered and protected against excessive burdening and absorptions 2 They must be supported by the state in their efforts to secure their economic freedom and independence and to develop by using self-help cooperatives 3 The advancement of capable workers from paid employment to a self-employed status must be furthered

Art. 154

1 The economic self-governing bodies democratically elected from among the ranks of the professional associations shall participate in the task of shaping the economy 2 Further details shall be governed by the respective law

Art. 155

1 In order to satisfy the economic needs of all residents as equally as possible, particular areas of need can be formed by law, taking into account the vital interests of independent productive enterprises, and bodies corporate under public law on a cooperative basis can be established for this purpose 2 They shall be entitled to self-administration within the framework of the laws
