Page:Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria.djvu/39

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Section 4


Art. 166

(1) Work os the source of the prosperity of the people and shall be subject to the special protection of the state

(2) Every person shall be entitled to earn a decent living by working

(3) Every person shall have the right and the duty to choose work that is appropriate for his/her abilities and education in the service of the general public, this shall be specified in more detail by the respective laws

Art. 167

(1) Human labour is the most valuable economic resource of a people and shall be protected against exploitation, operational hazards, and other damage to health

(2) Exploitation resulting in damage to health shall be publishable as bodily injury

(3) The violation of health and safety protection provisions in undertakings shall be punished

Art. 168

(1) 1 All honest work shall have the same moral value and shall give rise to a claim for appropriate remuneration 2 Men and women shall receive equal pay for equal work

(2) Unearned income of persons fit for work shall be subject to special taxes in accordance with the law

(3) Each resident of Bavaria who is incapacitated for work or for whom no job can be found shall be entitled to welfare

Art. 169

(1) Minimum wages can be fixed for each profession which enable the employee and his/her family a minimum standard of living which corresponds to the respective cultural circumstances

(2) The collective agreements between the employers’ and employees’ associations regarding the employment relationship shall be binding for all members of the associations and can be declared to be generally binding if this is required in the general interest

Art. 170

(1) The freedom of association in order to maintain and further the working conditions and economic conditions shall be guaranteed for every person and all professions

(2) All agreements and measures which seek to restrict or impair the freedom of association shall be illegal and void
