Page:Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria.djvu/40

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Art. 171

Every person shall be entitled to protection against the vicissitudes of life by means of sufficient social security within the framework of the laws

Art. 172

The rights and duties of the employees and employers shall be governed by a special law

Art. 173

Special provisions on the maximum daily and weekly labour hours shall be enacted by law

Art. 174

(1) 1 Each employee shall have a right to rest 2 This right shall be guaranteed on principle by a free weekend and by annual holiday with continued payment of remuneration 3 The special circumstances of individual professions shall be governed by a law 4 The loss of pay on bank holidays must be compensated

(2) The first of May shall be a bank holiday

Art. 175

1 The employees shall have a right of codetermination in all economic undertakings with regard to all matters affecting them and they shall have direct influence on the management and the administration in undertakings of significant importance 2 For this purpose, they shall form works councils in accordance with a special law 3 This law shall also include provisions on the involvement of the works council members in the recruiting and dismissal of employees

Art. 176

The employees, as equal members of the economy, shall participate in the tasks of shaping the economy together with the other active members of the economy

Art. 177

(1) Labour disputes shall be decided by the labour courts, which shall be composed of an equal number of employees and employers and an impartial chairperson

(2) Arbitral awards in labour disputes can be declared to be generally binding in accordance with the existing laws
