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different tribunals which are reserved for his nomination, diplomatic and commercial agents, and all other functionaries; and he may do this either directly from himself, or indirectly, by means of the authorities, to whom he may be pleased to delegate his power.

XLII. The King is to nominate the archbishops and bishops of the different denominations, the suffragans, prelates, and canons.

XLIII. The power of granting a pardon is exclusively the King’s. He may remit or commute the penalty.

XLIV. The institution, the regulation, and the power of appointment to all civil and military orders, belong to the King.

XLV. All our successors on the throne of Poland are hereby engaged to be crowned King of Poland in the capital, according to the form which we shall prescribe; and they shall make oath as follows: “I swear and promise before God and upon the Holy Gospels to maintain and execute, to the utmost of my power, the Constitutional Charter.”

XLVI. The power of conferring nobility, of naturalizing a foreigner, and of granting titles of honour, resides in the King.

XLVII. All orders and decrees of the King shall be counter-signed by a minister, the head of a department, who shall be responsible for anything that the said orders and decrees may contain contrary to the Constitutional Charter.