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CHAPTER II. Regency.

XLVIII. The cases of regency which are, or may be admitted for Russia, and the powers of the Regent, shall be common to the kingdom of Poland, and the same principles shall obtain in both realms.

XLIX. In case of regency, the Secretary of State is compelled, upon his own personal responsibility, to announce to the lieutenant the establishment of the regency in Russia.

L. The lieutenant, on receiving the communication respecting the regency in Russia, and the memorial of the Secretary of State, shall convoke the Senate for the education of the members of a regency in the kingdom of Poland.

LI. The regency of the kingdom shall be composed of the Regent of Russia, of four members elected by the Senate, and the Secretary of State. It shall hold its sittings in the capital of the Russian Empire; and the Regent shall preside.

LII. The authority of the regency of the kingdom shall be equal to that of the King, except that it shall not have power to nominate senators, and that all its nominations shall be subject to the approbation of the King, who may revoke them when he takes the reins of government into his