Page:Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, A - Karl Marx.djvu/172

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it becomes a lord. From a mere understrapper it rises to the position of Lord of commodities.[1]


Gold separates itself as money from the process of circulation whenever a commodity interrupts the process of its metamorphosis and remains in its form of a gold chrysalis. This occurs every time a sale is not immediately followed by purchase. The independent isolation of gold as money is, thus, a material expression of the disintegration of the process of circulation, or of the metamorphosis of commodities, into two separate acts independent of each other. The coin itself becomes money as soon as its course is interrupted. In the hands of the seller who takes it in exchange for

    the chiefe." (p. 7.) He compares his own treatment of merchandise and money with the manner of "Old Jacob, who, blessing his Grandchildren, crost his hands, and laide his right hand on the yonger, and his left hand on the elder." (l. c.) Boisguillebert, "Dissert, sur la Nature Des Richesses," etc. "Violà donc l'esclave du commerce devenu son maître . . . La misère des peuples ne vient que de ce qu' ón a fait un maître, ou plutôt un tyran de ce qui était un esclave." (p. 395, 399.)

  1. Boisguillebert, l. c. "On a fait une idole de ces métaux (l'or et l'argent) et laissant là, l'objet et l'intention pour lesquels ils avaient été appélés dans le commerce, savoir, pour y servir de gages dans l'echange et la tradition reciproque, on les a presque quittés de ce service pour en former des divinités, aux quelles on a sacriflé et sacrifle toujours plus de biens et de besoins précieux et même d'hommes, que jamais l'aveugle antiquité n'en immola à ces fausses divinités," etc. (l. c, p. 395.)