Page:Convention on International Civil Aviation - 1944.djvu/31

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(c) Conduct research into all aspects of air transport and air navigation which are of international importance, communicate the results of 1ts research to the contracting States, and facilitate the exchange of information between contracting States on air transport and air navigation matters;

(d) Study any matters affecting the organization and operation of international air transport, including the international ownership and operation of international air services on trunk routes, and submit to the Assembly plans in relation thereto;

(e) Investigate, at the request of any contracting 8tate, any situation which may appear to present avoidable obstacles to the development of international air navigation; and, after such 1nveet1gétion, issue such reports as may appear to it desirable.



Article 56

Nomination and appointment of Commission The Air Navigation Commission shall be composed of twelve members appointed by the Council from among persons nominated by contracting States. These persons shall have suitable qualifications and experience in the science and practice of aeronautics. The Council shall request all contracting States to submit nominations. The President of the Air Navigation Commission shall be appointed by the Council.