Page:Convention on International Civil Aviation - 1944.djvu/32

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Article 57

Duties of Commission The Air Navigation Commission shall:

(a) Consider, and recommend to the Council for adoption, modifications of the Annexes to this Convention;

(b) Establish technical subcommissions on which any contracting State may be represented, if it so desires;

(c) Advise the Council concerning the collection and communication to the contracting States of all information which it considers necessary and useful for the advancement of air navigation.



Article 58

Appointment of personnel Subject to any rules laid down by the Assembly and to the provisions of this Convention, the Council shall determine the method of appointment and of termination of appointment, the training, and the salaries, allowances, and conditions of service of the Secretary General and other personnel of the Organization, and may employ or make use of the services of nationals of any contracting State.

Article 59

International character of personnel

The President of the Council, the Secretary General, and other personnel shall not seek or receive instructions 1n regard to the discharge of their responsibilities from any authority external to the