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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, V. iii

You must report to the Volscian lords, how plainly
I have borne this business.

Auf. Only their ends 4
You have respected; stopp'd your ears against
The general suit of Rome; never admitted
A private whisper; no, not with such friends
That thought them sure of you.

Cor. This last old man, 8
Whom with a crack'd heart I have sent to Rome,
Lov'd me above the measure of a father;
Nay, godded me indeed. Their latest refuge
Was to send him; for whose old love I have, 12
Though I show'd sourly to him, once more offer'd
The first conditions, which they did refuse,
And cannot now accept, to grace him only
That thought he could do more. A very little 16
I have yielded to; fresh embassies and suits,
Nor from the state, nor private friends, hereafter
Will I lend ear to. Ha! what shout is this?
Shout within.
Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow 20
In the same time 'tis made? I will not.

Enter Virgilia, Volumnia, Valeria, young Martius with Attendants.

My wife comes foremost; then the honour'd mould
Wherein this trunk was fram'd, and in her hand
The grandchild to her blood. But out, affection! 24
All bond and privilege of nature, break!
Let it be virtuous to be obstinate.
What is that curtsy worth? or those doves' eyes,
Which can make gods forsworn? I melt, and am not 28

3 plainly: candidly, honestly
4 borne: conducted
6 general . . . Rome: petitions of all Rome
11 godded: deified
18 Nor . . . friends: neither from the state nor from private friends
23 in . . . hand: led by the hand