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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, V. iii

Of stronger earth than others. My mother bows,
As if Olympus to a molehill should
In supplication nod; and my young boy
Hath an aspect of intercession, which 32
Great nature cries, 'Deny not.' Let the Volsces
Plough Rome, and harrow Italy; I'll never
Be such a gosling to obey instinct, but stand
As if a man were author of himself 36
And knew no other kin.

Vir. My lord and husband!

Cor. These eyes are not the same I wore in Rome.

Vir. The sorrow that delivers us thus chang'd
Makes you think so.

Cor. Like a dull actor now, 40
I have forgot my part, and I am out,
Even to a full disgrace. Best of my flesh,
Forgive my tyranny; but do not say
For that, 'Forgive our Romans.' O! a kiss 44
Long as my exile, sweet as my revenge!
Now, by the jealous queen of heaven, that kiss
I carried from thee, dear, and my true lip
Hath virgin'd it e'er since. You gods! I prate, 48
And the most noble mother of the world
Leave unsaluted. Sink, my knee, i' the earth;
Of thy deep duty more impression show
Than that of common sons.

Vol. O! stand up bless'd; 52
Whilst, with no softer cushion than the flint,
I kneel before thee, and unproperly

35 gosling: young goose
38 These . . . same: i.e. I look upon you with different feelings
39 thus chang'd: in mourning garb; cf. n.
41 out: at loss for the proper words
51 duty: dutifulness, respect
more . . . show; cf. n.
54 unproperly: abnormally