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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, V. iv

Tabors, and cymbals, and the shouting Romans,
Make the sun dance. Hark you! A shout within.

Men. This is good news:
I will go meet the ladies. This Volumnia 56
Is worth of consuls, senators, patricians,
A city full; of tribunes, such as you,
A sea and land full. You have pray'd well to-day:
This morning for ten thousand of your throats 60
I'd not have given a doit. Hark, how they joy!

Sound still with the shouts.

Sic. First, the gods bless you for your tidings; next,
Accept my thankfulness.

Mess. Sir, we have all
Great cause to give great thanks.

Sic. They are near the city? 64

Mess. Almost at point to enter.

Sic. We'll meet them,
And help the joy. Exeunt.

Enter two Senators, with Ladies, passing over the Stage, with other Lords.

Sen. Behold our patroness, the life of Rome!
Call all your tribes together, praise the gods, 68
And make triumphant fires; strew flowers before them:
Unshout the noise that banish'd Martius;
Repeal him with the welcome of his mother;
Cry, 'Welcome, ladies, welcome!'

All. Welcome, ladies, 72
Welcome! A flourish with drums and trumpets.


55 Make . . . dance; cf. n.
66 S. d. Cf. n.
69 fires: bonfires
70 Unshout: cancel and retract by your shouts