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The Tragedy of Coriolanus, V. v

Scene Five

[Corioli. A Public Place]

Enter Tullus Aufidius, with Attendants.

Auf. Go tell the lords o' the city I am here:
Deliver them this paper: having read it,
Bid them repair to the market-place; where I,
Even in theirs and in the commons' ears, 4
Will vouch the truth of it. Him I accuse
The city ports by this hath enter'd, and
Intends to appear before the people, hoping
To purge himself with words: dispatch, 8

[Exeunt Attendants.]

Enter three or four Conspirators of Aufidius' faction.

Most welcome!

1. Con. How is it with our general?

Auf. Even so
As with a man by his own alms empoison'd,
And with his charity slain.

2. Con. Most noble sir, 12
If you do hold the same intent wherein
You wish'd us parties, we'll deliver you
Of your great danger.

Auf. Sir, I cannot tell:
We must proceed as we do find the people. 16

3. Con. The people will remain uncertain whilst
'Twixt you there's difference; but the fall of either
Makes the survivor heir of all.

Auf. I know it;
And my pretext to strike at him admits 20

Scene Five Corioli; cf. n.
6 city ports: gates of the city
8 purge: clear
14 parties: to take part
18 difference: dispute
20 pretext: design