Page:Correspondence between the Warden of St Columba's College and the Primate of Armagh.djvu/26

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and the note to Mr. Fowler, concerning my appearance on the "Committee," bears date the 26th of October, the date of my acknowledgment of the receipt of your letter,—in consequence of which it was written.

2. I beg further to call your Grace's attention to the fact that, in speaking of the possible consequences of compliance with your request upon those "not so happily circumstanced as myself," I expressly stated that "I was myself exempt from these consequences."

I have the honour to remain,

My Lord,
Your Grace's faithful Servant,

George Williams.


The Warden to the Primate.

S. Columba's College,
November 15, 1853.

My Lord,

I beg to inform your Grace, that immediately on the receipt of Mr. Fowler's reply to my note of the 26th ult., both which I enclosed on the 9th inst., I wrote to him a second time, but have as yet received no answer.

Failing of this, I wrote to Dr. Mill, and received his reply only last night. I enclose a copy of my note (I.), and the original of his reply, (II.)