Page:Correspondence between the Warden of St Columba's College and the Primate of Armagh.djvu/27

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I now beg distinctly to state, that Dr. Mill is the only person with whom I had held any communication whatever on the subject of the Memorial, prior to the date of your Grace's letter, and that entirely of a private nature; that nothing whatever had passed between us on the subject of the Committee; and that the only communication which I have received from him on the subject of the Memorial, since I met him in England early in July, was a request that I would "write a statement of facts respecting the Jerusalem Bishopric, in its aspect towards the Orthodox Greek Communion," which I declined to do.

I yesterday wrote to the Fellows, calling upon them to proceed to an investigation according to the XIIth Statute of the College.

I have the honour to remain,

My Lord,
Your Grace's faithful Servant,

George Williams.

Enclosures in No. VII.


The Warden to Dr. Mill.

S. Columba's College,
November 9, 1853.

My dear Dr. Mill,

I received a letter on the 25th ult. from a clergyman at Kingstown, a perfect stranger to me, informing me that he "had seen my name in an English newspaper appended to a 'Memorial to the Oriental