Page:Crhist (sic) on the cross suffering for sinners, or, The sinners redemption, sanctification and exaltation by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.pdf/2

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CHRIST on the CROSS ſuffering
for Sinners.


S E R M O N,

On John iii. 14, 15.

And as Moſes lifted up the Serpent in the wilderneſs ſo muſt the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoſoever believeth in him ſhould not periſh but have everlaſting life.

THESE merciful words of our bleſſed Lord and Saviour, might raviſh our ſouls with raptures of joy, to think in what a moſt miſerable and wretched condition we were wallowing in by reaſon of ſin and wicked abominations, that we were dropping into hell and eternal deſtruction; for the gates of the bottomleſs lake ſtand open, and is like a devouring ſepulchre to receive us; but bleſſed be the moſt glorious name of the Lord of Hoſts, who has ſent us, out of his free grace and love, both a conqueror and comforter, to wit, Jeſus Chriſt the ſanctifier of our hearts, and the ſalvation of our ſouls.

Therefore, dear friends and Chriſtians, let us with fear and reverence give attention to the ſacred word of God, in which we ſhall find the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, which is very mean and poor, and the place too bad to entertain the Lamb of God, which takes away the ſins of
