Page:Crhist (sic) on the cross suffering for sinners, or, The sinners redemption, sanctification and exaltation by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.pdf/3

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Chriſt on the Croſs. &c.

the world, Luke ii. 11, 12. Chriſt being thus born, and laid in a manger amongſt oxen and aſſes, becauſe there was no room in the inn, it might, in the firſt place, perſuade us to be humble, and alſo bend our proud ſtubborn hearts to the will and ſervice of God: for Chriſt our bleſſed Saviour thought it no ſcorn or diſgrace to lie in a manger, to eat the bread and drink the water of affliction, to be buffeted, ſpitted at, reviled, crowned with thorns, and crucified on the croſs,'to ſhed his precious blood for the redeeming of our loſt ſouls; then ſhall we be made partakers of the covenant of grace, according to the ſaying of the prophet, Ezek. i. 6. “Nevertheleſs I will remember my covenant made with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will confirm to thee an everlaſting covenant.” Shall we then, for all theſe ſpecial mercies and favours from our infinitely loving God, ſtill ſport at his glory, his goodneſs, and majeſty, and walk like children of diſobedience? Shall we pluck Chriſt again from the throne to crucify him? Shall we kick at his divine Eſſence, and requite him with ingratitude? Shall we deny God, according to the words of the prophet David, The fool hath ſaid in his heart, There is no God? No, let us be afraid to offend God, much more to deny him; for it is a fearful teſtimony of truth from the mouth of our bleſſed Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, That whoſoever denieth me before men, him will I alſo deny before my Father which is in heaven, Matth. X. 13. Therefore, conſider with fear and reverence, the love of God, the goodneſs of God, the mercies of

God, and the juſtice of God! For let none be deceived, God will not be mocked; tho' you daily like to fly with your own pleaſures and vanities of the world, without repentance you will ſuffer the flames of puniſhment: From which eternal deſtruction, let it be the faithful deſire and prayers of all
