Page:Crhist (sic) on the cross suffering for sinners, or, The sinners redemption, sanctification and exaltation by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.pdf/4

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Chriſt on the Croſs

people to ſay, Good Lord deliver us. Let us, with devotion and piety, make uſe of the ſcripture, for help and nouriſhment of our ſouls, in which we ſhall find the life of our Saviour Jeſus Chriſt to be moſt pure and holy, we ſhall find him lowly, meek, humble, courteous, wiſe, prudent, profitable, charitable, and indeed with a million more of ſpecial graces and virtues; in which he doth ſtrengthen the weak, comfort the afflicted, heal the lame, cure the blind, make the dumb to ſpeak, the deaf to hear, and the dead to walk, and the infernal devils to tremble. Then, ſince it is ſo that Chriſt is our Saviour, Redeemer, and Comforter, how ought we to glorify the great God of heaven, in ſending his only begotten Son to ſuffer for ſin, who knew no ſin, and to bear the curſe of the croſs for our offences? O what ſatisfaction ſhall we render to the Lord of lords, and King of kings! Nothing like a new heart, and a new ſpirit, renewed by the newneſs of life, that we may receive the new birth, without which it is impoſſible to ſee God. Then, as new born babes do thirſt for the milk to nouriſh them, ſo will our ſouls long and thirſt after the waters of righteouſneſs, to taſte of the tree of life, and to have our names recorded in the book of God, for his choſen ones, yea, his beloved ones, according to the firſt epiſtle of Paul to the Theſſalonians, i.4. Knowing brethren, beloved, your election of God. O how happy is that ſoul that is linked to God, and united to the bleſſed unity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy

Ghoſt, in which divine body, and glorious Majeſty, the ſaints and martyrs, prophets, prieſts, apoſtles, and angels have joint communion, where the omnipotent God encompaſſes the royal camp of heaven, where all are made heirs and co-heirs with Chriſt, triumphing over death, hell, and the devil, reigning and ruling in majeſty upon the
