Page:Crhist (sic) on the cross suffering for sinners, or, The sinners redemption, sanctification and exaltation by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.pdf/7

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ſuffering for Sinners.

Firſt, God the omnipotent glory, and divine Majeſty, is charity, for he has ſent his only begotten Son to ſuffer for our ſins, and to redeem our drooping ſouls that lay wallowing in blood, and being dead in ſin and treſpaſſes, that by laying hold on Chriſt, we have free acceſs to the tribunal feat of grace, to cry, Abba, Father. Secondly, Chriſt Jeſus our bleſſed Redeemer is charity, for he thought it no ſhame nor ſcorn, being equal to God, exalted above the ſacred quire of angels, to become man, and undergo the perſecution of the tyrannical Jews, at laſt to ſuffer his precious blood to be ſhed, and his fleſh nailed to the croſs, and all this to ſave his people from the puniſhment of eternal death. Thirdly, the Holy Ghoſt is charity, for whoſoever hath the faith of Chriſt, hath the Holy Ghoſt to be his Comforter. They need not fear that are ſtedfaſt in faith, what man can do to them, for man can deſtroy the body only, but fear God, who can caſt into hell both ſoul and body: And our Saviour faith, Whoſoever is brought before a magiſtrate for the teſtimony of the truth, needs not fear what to ſpeak, for the Holy Ghoſt will teach them, Mark xiii. from ver. 9, to 14

Gentle reader, you ſhall find both the joys and ſorrows the ſaints do endure; but, ſays our bleſſed Lord and Saviour, Jeſus Chriſt, He that endureth to the end ſhall be ſaved.

Then ſeeing it is ſo, that God is the God of love, and Chriſt the Son of glory, let me exhort you all in the name of our bleſſed Redeemer, not to worſhip any other Gods but him, neither in heaven nor in earth; and let not the riches of the world ſteal away your hearts to adore money as a god; nor let the vain pomps and pleaſures of the world. bewitch your hearts to worſhip them as gods; but
