Page:Crhist (sic) on the cross suffering for sinners, or, The sinners redemption, sanctification and exaltation by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.pdf/8

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Chriſt on the Croſs, &c.

let us worſhip the great God of heaven with fear, love, and reverence: Let us pray devoutly, and praiſe his name continually; let us walk in his laws and ordinances, that we may have his eternal love and bleſſing.

Let our meditation be upon divinity, that our reward may be in heaven, that when this earthly tabernacle of ours ſhall be diſſolved, we may be received into the kingdom of glory. Let the door of our hearts and ſouls ſtand open, that when our Saviour Jeſus knocks, he may be received with a joyful welcome: For which fulneſs of goodneſs and glory, let it be the deſire of ſinners earneſtly to entreat our bleſſed Lord and Saviour to draw us with the cables of his love to himſelf, and place us in the bottom of his love, where we ſhall be made more than conquerors thro' him that loved us, John xvi. 33. Theſe things have I ſpoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace : In the world ye ſhall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. “Therefore doth the Father love me, becauſe that I lay down my life to take it up again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down and have power to take it up again. This commandment have I received of my Father,” John x. 17, 18.

The grace of God the Father, the love of God the Son, the ſweet and comfortable fellowſhip of God the Holy Ghoſt, be with us now and for ever more. Amen.