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A foe to tyranny, upholsterer
To Cromwell, leather-maker to our saints,
He feeds, as at two cribs, at those two shrines.
Murder and feast, both doth he furnish forth.
His voice proscribes the head of Cromwell crowned,
And he supplies the decorations of
The crowning. Worthy man, his efforts all
Devoting to this twofold end to-day,
He works, while praising God, for Satan's pomp.
A zealous tradesman and fanatic saint,
The bigot sells to Noll, to whom he lends
His credit, the same throne that he doth curse,
At the best price he can.
Willis. At the best price he can. Was not his brother
The Speaker of the Commons House?
Davenant. The Speaker of the Commons House? He was,
In the late Parliament, whereof this man
Himself was one.
Willis [to Lord Ormond.] Himself… The others—who are they?
Ormond.Regicide Harrison, and Overton
And Garland regicides.
Clifford. And Garland regicides. Can some one say
Which of the three is Satan?
Ormond. Which of the three is Satan? Peace, my lord!
'Tis Joyce, kidnapper of the King, who speaks.
Rosebery.Detested breed!
Rochester. Detested breed! What pleasure it would be
To pick a quarrel with yon Roundhead curs
Who outrage God! How gladly I would make
Their heads more round, by cutting off their ears!
And what a pleasant pastime to attack
The precious rascals—were they not our friends!