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Scene 9.—The Same; Lieutenant-General Lambert, in the simple costume of the other Roundheads, carrying a long sword with a copper hilt.

Ormond.Lambert, at last!
Carr [aside.] Lambert, at last! A monstrous mystery!
Lambert.Hail to the old friends of old England! hail!
Ormond [to his friends.
The time draws near to venture the great stroke.
Let us conclude th' alliance and mature
Our plans.
[He walks toward Lambert, who comes forward to meet him:
Our plans. Christ crucified—
Lambert. Our plans. Christ crucified—To save mankind!—
We are prepared.
Ormond. We are prepared. I have at my command
Three hundred gentlemen, the leaders, these.
When do we smite th' accursèd one?
Lambert. When do we smite th' accursèd one? When he
Is king.
Ormond. Is king. To-morrow.
Lambert. Is king. To-morrow. Let us strike to-morrow.
Lambert. Agreed. Agreed.
Ormond. Agreed. Agreed. The hour?
Lambert. Agreed. Agreed. The hour? High noon.
Ormond. Agreed. Agreed. The hour? High noon. The place?
Lambert.Westminster Hall itself.
Ormond. Westminster Hall itself. Allies!
Lambert. Westminster Hall itself. Allies! And friends!
[They shake hands for an instant.
[Aside.] The crown is mine! When you have served my ends