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from all our converſation, that the affections of our heart, and the labours of our life, are devoted, wholly devoted, to our adored Redeemer's croſs. Happy the people who are under the care of ſuch miniſters? and bleſſed the miniſters who walk according to this rule!

2. Let me exhort all the true believers; thoſe who are vile in their own eyes, and to whom Chriſt alone is precious. Remember, brethren, what is written in the prophets: it is a deſcription of your eſtate; it is a direction for your conduct. In the Lord, the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, Shall all the feed of Iſrael be juſtified, and in him ſhall they glory.

Let none ſay that religion is a gloomy or uncomfortable ſtates I call upon you this day to rejoice. Let none ſay that religion is a mean and deſpicable thing: I call upon you this day to glory: and have the divine authority for both. You will diſhonour the bleſſed Jeſus, you will diſparage his ſurpaſsing excellency, if you do not conſide in him, and make your boaſt of him. Chriſt is King of heaven, Chriſt is Judge of the world, Chriſt is God over all. And of ſuch a Saviour ſhall we not glory? Yes, verily, and in all circumſtances, and on every occaſion.

Amidſt your manifold infirmities, glory in Chriſt. For, though he was crucified in weakneſs, he hath all power in heaven and earth. And it is written before him, it is one of his immutable decrees, Sin ſhall not