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have dominion over you. Amidſt your various failings, glory in Chriſt. For his righteouſneſs covers all your imperfections, his righteouſneſs ſecures you from wrath and condemnation; and, though deficient in yourſelves, you are complete in him. Under the preſſure of tribulations, lift up your heads, and glory in the croſs: becauſe the Captain of your ſalvation, was made perfect through ſufferings. If you ſuffer with him, you ſhall alſo reign with him, and the ſufferings of this preſent time are not worthy to be compared with the happineſs which Chriſt hath purchaſed with his agonies, and will quickly beſtow on his people, when death approaches, death that cuts off the ſpirit of princes, and is terrible among the kings of the earth, do you ſtill glory in the croſs. Adhering to this banner, you may boldly and triumphantly ſay, O death, where is thy ſting! O grave, where is thy victory? When that great tremendous day ſhall come, which puts an end to time and terreſtrial things; when that awful, that majeſtic, voice is heard, which commands all the race of Adam to appear at the bar; then, my dear brethren in Chriſt, then alſo ſhall you glory in the croſs. When others, in an agony of terror, call upon rocks to fall on them and mountains to overwhelm them; this ſhall be your fedate appeal; rather, this ſhall be your heroic challenge: Who ſhall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? it is God that juſtifieth; who is be that