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Sometimes Square, that is, the Atiglc of the Ridge, is a Right Angle; which, therefore, is a mean Proportional between the t>o:nt ed/and

Flat-Roof, which is in the fame Proportion as a triangular Pe- diment. See Pediment.— This is chiefly practiced in Italy, and the hot Countries, where little Snow falls.

Sometimes the Hoof is in the Pmnacle Form. See Pinnacle.

Sometimes it has a double Ridge.— Sometimes 'tis cut, or muti- lated, that is, confifts of a true and afilfi Roof, which is laid o- ver the former : This lail is particularly call'd a Manfard, from its Inventor M. Manfard, a famous Vrerab Architect.

Sometimes 'tis in Form of a Platform; as in moft of the Ea- ftern Building. See Platform.

Sometimes 'tis truncated; that is, inftead of terminating in a Ridge or Angle, 'tis cut ifquare off at a certain Heighth, and co- ver'd with a Terrafs, and fometimes incompafled with Balluftrade. See Terrass.

Sometimes 'tis in Manner of a Dome, that is, its Plan Square, and the Contour Circular. See Dome, Cupola, &c.

Sometimes it is round, that is, the Plan is Round or Oval, and the Profile a direct Defcent. — Sometimes the Bafe being very large, 'tis cut off to diminilh its Heighth, and cover'd with a Terrafs of Lead, rais'd a little in the middle, with Sky-Lights from Space to Space, to give Light to fome Corridor, or other intermediate Pieces, which without fuch an Expedient would be too dark. See House, &e.

sXooF-Trees, or RuFF-Irasi are the Timbers in a Ship which uanha, &c.

["The Broad and Swelling are,

Ci. Bulbom, which confift but of one Globe or Head, I and feud out Fibres from the Bottom, and are either, r Squammofe, or Scaly, as tallies or Martagon, •Z. Coated, which are involved in Skins or Coats, as J L Cepa, Hyacinthus, Allium, &c. i 2. Tuberous, which are of a carnous, folid, and con- tinued Confidence, and rhefe either, fi°. Simple, with but one Globe or Head, as Ra-

j < pa, Crocus, &c.

^ l,2 p . Manifold, as Afyhodelus, Paonia, &c. Long Roots are either,

f(l.J Sarmentous, i. e. twiggy, or branching, which fhoot or creep out Tranlverfe or in Breadth : Of 1 thefe feme are Geniculate, knotty or joirity: asCtW> J Grafs, Mints, &c. 1 (l.) Cauliformes, i. e. Stemmy or Stalky, which fhoot

(down deep directly, though often fending out Fi- bres and .Strings from the great Stem; which alfo it L feif is fometimes divided or branching. Roots, in Medicine.— The principal Roots ufed in the Pra- ctice of Medicine, are, Rhubarb, Rbaponticum, Sarfaparilla, Ipe- cacuanha, Jalap, Zedoaty, Galangal, Cajjumenar, Gentian, Turme- ric, Liquorice, Madder, &c. See each defenbed under its pro- per Article Rhubarb, Rhapontic, Sarsaparilla, Ipeca-

go from the Half-Deck to the Fore Cattle.

The Term is alfo ufed for the upper Timbers of any Build- ing; whence in the Notthern Counties, it is common to iignify a whole Family, by faying, all under fuch a one's Roof-Trce°

ROOM, in Building. — See Building, House, Partiti- Apartment, Distribution, Chamber, &c.

Root, in Mathematicks, a Quantity which is multiplied by it felf ; or a Quantity confider'd as the Balis or Foundation of a higher Power. See Quantity, Power, &c.

Thus if any Number, as 2, be multiplied by it felf, the Pro- duct 4 is called the Square, or fecond Poiver of 2 ; and 2 it felf, with regard to that Power, is called the Root ; or particularly the

ROOMER, in the Sea Language, a Ship is faid to be a fquare Root of 4. See Soy are-j?cm.

i?'^T he i? Ae islar 8 er £him ordinary. SeeSHiP, Vessel, &c. Since, as Unity is 10 the fquare Root, fo is the Root to the

ROOT, Radix, in Botany, that Part of a Plant which im- Square; the Root is a mean Proportional between Unity and the

mediately imbibes the Juices of the Earth, aud tranfmits them Square.— Thus 1:2:4. to the other Parts, for their Nutrition. See Nutrition, Plant, If a fquare Number, as 4, be multiplied by its Root 2, the

5S ETA d BLE ' & L , Product S is call'd the Cube, or third Power of 2 ; and with re-

Ihe Root confifts of woody Fibres, cover'd with a Bark, foeft to this Cubic Number 8, the Number 2 is call'd Roof

more or left thick.— It antes from a little Point in the Seed, call'd or particularly the Cube-Root. See CvBt.-Root. the ■Radicle See Radicle. Since as Unity is t0 the Root> {o is the Raot „ tIlc s re

I is no lmall difficulty to conceive how the Root mould always and as Unity is to the Root, fo is the Square to the Cube • the get downwards, and turn up the Stem perpendicularly; conli- Root will be to the Square, as the Square to the Cube, i e 'Uni- denng that in the fowing of Plants the Radicle muft frequently ty, the Root, the Square, and the Cube, are in continual Pro- happen to be upwatds, and the Plumule downwards. See Seed, portion: Thus: 1:2 — 4:8. And the Cube-Root is the Semination, Perpendicularity, &c. firft of the two mean Proportionals between Unity and the

I is always found in the Ground in terreftrial Plants, except in Cube. a very few Cafes : The Ivy and Cufcuta, being perhaps the only To extraS the Root out of a given Number, or Power, as 8

Plants where Part of the Root lies bare. j s the fame thing as to find a Number, as 2, which being mul-

lhe Root in Plants has been obferv'd to do the Office of the tiplied into it felf a certain Number of Times,

Stomach in Animals; that is, to make thefirft and principal Pre- duces the given Number, paration of the nutritious Matter.— M. Reneame (hews that the Root

, v.g. twice, pro-

does the Office of all the Parts in the Belly of Animals deftined for Nutrition ; it being the Root that receives the Nourilliment, that prepares it, digefts it, alters and changes it into Sap, to be afterwards diftributed to all the Parts. ■ See Sap.

The fmall Colour, and even Tafte, fliew how confiderable an Alteration the Juices undergo in the Root; fo that the Root may be laid down as the Principle of Vegetation. See Vege- tation

To extract the Square Root, : To extract the Cube Root, '

See ^Extraction.

A Root, whether Square or Cubic, or of any higher Power • if it confift of two Parts, is call'd a Binomial Root, or limply Bi- nomial; as 24, or 20+4. See Binomial.

If it confift of three, a Trinomial; as 245, or 240 +-5 ; Or 200+140+5.— If of more than three, a Multinomial; as2+s«, Plants growing at the Bottom of the Sea have this peculiar to or 2450+6, or 2400+56, or 2000+456", or 2000+4.00+ them, that they have no Roots; at leaft the Parts which do the 50+6. See Multinomial.

Office of RmtsUve nothing of the ufual Figure thereof.— Thefe Root of an Equation, in Algebra, is the Value of an unknown Plants are ufually fattened to fome folid Body; adhering to it by Quantity in an Equation. See Equation. a vety fmooth polifh'd Lamina, which does not fend forth any Thus, if the Equation be a' +4' — x •, the Rootal the Eaua Fibre. Add to this, that the Body to which they adhere, being tion lis the Square Root of a, and that of b; exnrefs'd thus frequently a Rock or Flint, appeats very unfit to leed them, in ^/a-j-b . , ciptuso tnus,

Cafethey hady?»«r. M.K«rae/»rt, therefore, conjeaures thatthey Real Root.— If the Value of x be positive, i e if x be- ■, are fed by a Juice afforded them by the thick oily Mud at the pofitive Quantity ; the Root is call'd \ real or true Root Bottom of the Sea, which they receive by the Pores of the ex- See Positive aarimium.

terior Surface of the Lamina Balfi ij„„,._[f the Value of x be Negative, e. gr ' *— 5

Boerhaave obferves, that the Root may have any Situation at The Root is faid to befa/fe. See Negative. ' ~~

Pleafure, with refpeOto the Body of the Plant, nor needs to be Imaginary Root. -I!, the Value of x be the Root of a negative either loweft or higheft.-Accordingly in Aloes, Coral, MolTes, Quantity,; '. gr. V-5; 'tis faid to be imaging S

Funguss, &c. the Root is frequently uppermoft, anditsGrowth The great ufe of Algebra is to bring Problems to Equations- downwards. See Coral, Moss, Fungus, &c. then to reduce thofe Equations, or to exhibit them in the moft

Roots are divided by Botan.fts into i". Fibrous, which fend out fimple Terms. See Reduction. only fmall Strings from the Bottom of the Plant, diftinft from What remains after rhis to the Solution of the Problems, istoex-

traft the Roots of the Equations thus reduced, be they Lines or

each other.

2 . Mor

Grofs, either branched out into Subdivition or Arms • or elfe fending out Fibres from it all along.

Thefe laft are either Carnous, which again are either,

{1. Broad and Swelling, or 2. Long and Slender, which are commonly harder and more woody.

ExtraSlion of the Roots of Equations. See Extraction.

Roots, Radices, in Grammar, are the primitive Words of a Language, whence others are compounded or derived. See Pri- mitive, Compound, and Derivative-

Thus, the Latin Fluo is the Root of fluBus, ftuxio, fumen, fiuflrum, infmxus, refluent, fluififcr, ftucjifinns, fluHivagus, See- Thus alfo the Greek */«, is the Root of •*"»& o9m iAmt^fn, &c.

And thus alfo, though in a lefs proper Senfe, the Danifi Woed is the Root of the Enelijh Root : The Lathi Radix the Root of
