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(he French Racine, as rado is the Root of Radix ,* and perhaps fiSi®- the Root of r<«&.

The Great and Hebrew Tongues are learnt by Roots.— OP Dictionaries, fomc are in Alphabetical Order, others are difpofed by Roots ; as Scapula, and the firft Edition of the Dictionary of the French Academy : In the Edition 171 8, it is thrown into the ufual Alphabetical Order. See Dictionary.

ROPE, an Aflemblage of feveral T wilts or Strings of Hemp, twifted together by means of a Wheel : Of various ufes, as in binding, ftaying, drawing, fufpending, <&c. See Hemp and Cordage.

When the Rope is made very thick, 'tis call'd a Cable, and when very finall, a Cord. See Cable and Cord.

The greateft Confumption of Ropes is in Navigation, for the tackling of Ships j where, though Ropes include the whole Cor- dage. See Tackle and Ship.

Yet there are feveral Ropes particularly fo denominated : As, the entering Rope, hung at the Ladder to help People up. — The Top- Rope- — h Bolt-Rope, wherein the Sail is fowed. — Buoy-Rope, to which the Buoy of the Anchor hangs.— Gueft-Rope, to tow the Long-Boat.— The Keel-Rope.— The Bucket-Rope.— Rudder-Rope, to fave the Rudder if it fliou'd chance to be beat oSi— Prevent- ter-Rope, to fave the Yard in Cafe any Part of the Tyes ihou'd be broke.— Breafi-Rope, to laih the Panels to the Mails.— Guy- Rope, to keep the Foremaft forwards, directly over the Hatch- way. And Boat-Rope, by which the Rope hangs, or is fattened a-ftern of the Ship.

Rope, Cord, or Strap, in the Manage, is any of thefe ti- ed round a Pillar to which the Horfe is faftned when they be- gin to quicken and fupple and teach him to flee from the Shamb- ner, and not gallop faftly or incompactly. See Pillar.

In thofe Manages where there is no Pillar, a Man ftands in the Centre of the Ground, and holds the end of the Rope.

Ropes of two Pillars, are the Ropes or Reins of a Cavazon, ufed to a Horfe that works between two Pillars. See Pillar.

RopE-Tara, is the Yarn of any Rope untwiited. See Yarn.

It commonly confifts of Cable-Ends, which are worn out; and are called Junks of the Cables.— It ferves for many Purpofes among the Sailors.

ROR[FEROUS-Z>«#, q. d. Dew-dropping Pipe; a Name given the Thoracick Duel:, from its flow Manner of conveying, and as it were, inltilling, the Chyle into the common Stream of Blood. See THORAcic-D#<f2, &c.

ROS, Dew. See Dew.

Ros Vitrioli, among Chymifts, is fometimes ufed for the firft Phlegm diftill'd from Vitriol in Balnea Maria;. See Vitriol.

ROSADE, a kind of Liquor, prepared of pounded Almonds and Milk, mix'd with clarified Sugar.

ROSARY, in the Romijh Church, a Chaplet, confifting of five or fifteen Decads or Tens of Beads, to direct the Recitation of fo many Ave Maria's, in Honour of the Virgin. See Cha- plet.

Rosary, is alio a particular Mai's or Form of Devotion ad- drefs'd to the Virgin, to which the Chaplet of that Name is ac- commodated. See Virgin.

Some attribute the Inftitution of the Rofary to St. Dommick ; but F. d' Achsry fhews it was in ufe in the Year 1100; fo that St. Bominick cou'd only make it more celebrated. — Others attri- bute it ro Paulus Libycus, and [others to St. Beneditl; others to the Cbartreux- others to venerable Bede; and others to P<?a?r the Hermit.

Thofe who attribute it to St. Dommick, differ as to the particu- lar Time of its Inftitution; fome referring it to the Year 1208, when he preach'd againlt the Albigenfis ; others will have him to have fet it on foot in the Courfe of his Millions in Spain, e're he pafs'd into France.

Order of the Rosary, or of our Lady of the Rosary, is an Order of Knights, fuppofed by Schoonebeck, and the Jciuit Bo- yamii, to have been inftituted by St. Dommick ; but byMiftakej for that Saint never inftituted any Order under this Name ; and thefe Authors apparently make a military Order of an Army of Croifees, who under the Command of the Count de Montfort, fought againft the Albigenjes. See Croisade and Albigenses.

The Abbot Jufiiniani, and M. Hermant, will have this Order to have been eftablifhed by an Archbifhop of Toledo, named Fre- derick, after St. Dominicfo Death; and to have bore for a Badge, a black and white Crofs, in the middle whereof was reprefented our Lady, holding her little Son in one Hand, and in the other a Rofary. — F. Mendo adds, that they were obliged to rehearfe the Rofary on certain Days.

After all, F. Helyot doubts whether or no fuch an Order ever exifted. See Order.

ROSE, Rosa, a medicinal Flower, produced by a Shrub of •he fame Name; which gives the Denomination to feveral Pre- parations in Pharmacy. See Flower.

The Kinds of Rofes are various : Thofe ufed in Medicine are the Red and Damask Rofes. — The Damask are a good and fafe pur- gative, adminiftered in infufion, or by way of Syrup. — The Red are attringent j and the^Conferve thereof ufed with fuccefs againft Diftempers of the Breaft and Lungs, and Diforders of the Eyes. See Conserve.

Sugar of RoseSj is made of Ked-Rofe Leaves, dried in an Oven?

pulverized, and put into a proper Quantity of Sugar diffolv'd with a little Water in a Chafing-d !fh, over the Fire.

'Tisa Tradition among the Anrients, that the God of Love made a prefent to Hippocrates the God of Silence, of a beautiful Rofe, the firft that had been known ; to engage him not to dis- cover any of the private Pra&ices of his Mother Venus.— And hence it became a Cuftom to have a Rofe planted in their Rooms of Mirth and Entertainment, that under the Affurance thereof they might be induced to lay afide all Conftraint, and fpeakwhat ihey pleated.— Thus did the Rofe become a Symbol of Silence; fo that to befub rofa, under the Rofe, denotes as much as ro be outlof danger of having any Converfation divulged.

Rosa-Water, a Water drawn by Diftillation from Red or Da-* mzsk-Rofes. See Water.

It is a good Cordial, and was formerly highly efteemed; but is fmce fallen from its Reputation, and is little ufed but in Dif- eafes of the Eyes, and in Perfumes and Waflies.

'Tis, however, in great efteem in the Baft, particularly in China and Perfa, where the Trade thereof ii very confiderable. The Rofe Leaves remaining at the Bottom of the Still, have the natural cathartic Quality: and arc alio kept for a Perfume.

Golden-RosE, is a Rofe which the Pope bleffes at Mais on the firft Sunday in Lent, while they fing La-tare Jerufalem % and which, after Mafs, he carries in Proceffion; and then fends it as a Pre- fent to lb me Sovereign Prince.

The F.<clions of the red and white Rose, are famous in our Englifb Hiftorics.— They had their Rife in 1454, under Henry VI. between the Houfes of Tork and Lancafier, and ended in Henry VII. who united the two Branches.— The Houfe of Lan- cafier had for its Badge a white Rofe ; that of York a red one. See Faction.

Rosn-ff'lod, Lignum Rhodium, or Afpalathum. See AspaLA- THUM.

Rose, in Architecture and Sculpture, an Ornament cut in re- femblance of a Rofe. See Ornament.

It is chiefly ufed in Frizes, Corniches, Vaults of Churches; and particularly in the Middle of each Face of the Corinthian Abacus. See Aoacus.

And in the Spaces between the Modillionsj under the Pla- fonds of Corniches. See Modillion.

RosE-Noble, an antient Englijh Gold Coin, firft ftruck in the Reign of Edward III. and then call'd the Benny of Gold; fines call'd Rofe-Noble, becaufe ftamp'd with a Rofe. See Money.

It was Current at 6s. 8 d. See Noble and Coin.

ROSEMARY, Rosmarinus, a medicinal Plant, whofe Flowers are of confiderable ufe in the prefent Practice.

They are efteem'd the principal Aromatick of our Growth.— Dr. mmey fpeaks of them as good in molt nervous Complaints, efpecially fuch as arife from too great Moifture and Cold, as they are hot and drying.— In Epilepsies, Apoplexies, Patties, &c. they are rarely omitted in Prefcription, under one Form or other. See Aromatick.

They abound with a fubtle detergent Oil, which makes them deobftruent and opening, whence their ufe in uterine Obstru- ctions, the Jaundice, <&c.

They are the Balis of rhe celebrated Hungary Water ; with a fmall Quantity of which, diluted in common Water, the Confecti- oners make Coufervc of Rofimary Flowers, Eifrnce of Rofemary, Rojemary-W ater, &c. See Hung MtY-Water.

ROS1CRUCIANS. See Rosycrucians.

ROSIN, Resina, in Pharmacy. See Resina.

Rosin, is particularly ufed for a refinous Matter, prepared from the Juice of the Pine-Trec ,■ in ordinary ufe for the making of Wax, &c.

Mr. Bent in the Phil. Travf gives us the Preparation of this ■coarfe Drug, in the Southern Parts of France; thus. — The Bark being pared off the Pine, to make the Sap run down into a Hole made at Bottom to receive it^ asthejuicc runs it leaves a Cream or Graft a-topj which being temper'd with Water, is fold, by a Cheat, for white Bee's-Wax. See Wax.

When they have got a Quantity of the Juice they ftrain it through a Basket, and what runs through it is the common Tur- pentine. See Turpentine.

What flays behind, they mix with Water, and diftilling it in an Alembic, the Matter that rifes is the Oil of Turpentine; and the Calk that remains is the cemmon Rofn.

ROSOLIS, popularly, KosA-folis, Sun-Dew, an agreeable fpi- rituous Liquor, chiefly taken after Meals, by way ot Dram, to aid Digeftion.

Tis compoted of burnt Brandy, Sugar, Cinnamon, and Milk- Water, and is fometimes perfumed with a little Musk.

It had its Name becaufe antiently prepared wholly of the Juice of the Plant Rosfolis ; but that Plant is no longer any Ingredient therein.

The beft is that of Turin. — The French have a particular Kind not called Rosfolis, but du Roy; becaufe ufed with good Effect by the late King Lewis XIV.— Tis compofed of Spanijh Wine, wherein are infufed Anis, Fennel, Aneth, Coriander, &c. for three Weeks.

ROSTING. See Dressing, Food, &c ROSTRA, in Antiquity, a Part of the Roman Forwn, where- in Orations, Pleadings, Funeral Harangues, &c, were delivered. See Forum. 12 F The