Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/449

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DALBOXO Bareiul C. Koekkoek. The animals in bis landscapes were supplied by Eugene Ver- boeckboven. Works : Summer aud Winter (1841); Landscape on the Rhine ; View in the Ardennes. Immerzeel, i. 164. DALBONO, EDOARDO, contemporary; lives in Naples. Genre painter ; represents Neapolitan life. Works : Neapolitan Water- Carrier ; Unrequited, Punished, aud Happy , Love, Cupid as Tyrant (Casa Miceli, Naples); ; Legend of the Sirens, Wilier Gallery, Na- ples ; Beautiful Morning, It is going to Rain, Orange- Walk, Adeline in the Park. L'lllus- trazione italinua, 1875-76. DALCOLLE,RAFFAELLO. SeeRa/aello. DALENS, DIRK, of The Hague, born at Dordrecht, flourished about 1623-65. Dutch school. Landscape painter in the manner of Jan van Goyen ; master of the guild at The Hague in 1632, went to Leyden in 1636, but returned in 1637, and seems to have removed to Rotterdam about 1660-61. Works: Landscape with Shepherds (1635), Brunswick Museum ; Landscapes (2, 1646), Haarlem Museum. Kramm, ii. 317 ; Rie- gel, Beitriige, ii. 368. DALIPHARD, EDOUARD, born at Rou- en, Sept. 24, 1833, died there in 1877. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of G. Morin. Works: Spring in the Churchyard; Souvenir of the Forest of Eu (1873) ; Mel- ancholy (1875) ; Village Doorway, one of best pictures in Salon of 1876. J. Hcdou, Peintres rouennais (Rouen, 1883) ; L'Art (1877), x. 216. DALLINGER VON DALLING, ALEX- ANDER JOHANN, bom in Vienna, Aug. 1, 1783, died there in 1844. German school ; history ami animal painter, son and pupil of Johaun the elder ; was a skilful restorer of old pictures, and an engraver. Works : Cows driven through a Brook (1831), Vien- na Museum. Bibliog. below. DALLINGER VON DALLING, JO- HANN, the elder, born in Vienna, Aug. 13, 1741, died there, Jan. 6, 1806. German school ; history and animal painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Vinceuz Vischer and Meytens ; from 1771 inspector of the Liech- tenstein Gallery. Many of his large altar- pieces and meritorious animal and battle pieces we in Poland and Russia. All gem. d. Biogr., iv. 711 ; Brockhaus, iv. 785 ; Wurzboch, iii. 132, xxiv. 383. DALLINGER VON DALLING, JO- HANN BAPTIST, the younger, bora in Vi- enna, May 7, 1782, died there, Dec. 19, 1868. Son and pupil of Johaun the elder ; painted landscapes and animals, especially horses, in style of Dutch masters, as well as genre pieces and portraits. Works : Horses graz- ing (1830), Horses in Stable (1832), Vienna Museum ; others in Liechtenstein Gallery. Bibliog. above. DALMASIO, LJPPO DL See Scanna- becchi. DALSGAARD, CHRISTEN, born at Krabbesholrn, Jutland, Oct. 30, 1824. Genre painter, pupil of the Copenhagen Academy, and Rorbye ; paints scenes from Danish peasant life. Member of Copenhagen Acad- emy since 1872. Works : Christmas Mom- ing (1848), Aarhus Gallery ; Girl at Win- dow, Boy at Luncheon, Country Parson ; Jutland Peasants going to Communion (1859); Seizure for Debt (1860); Meeting of Gudrun and Helge Harbensou (1861); Vis- itation (1862); The Good Shepherd (1864); Meeting with. Olaf Pua ; Steeu Blicher con- versing on the Heath (1867) ; Isn't he com- ing ! Pious Assembly (1870); Corridor of Academy at Soro (1872); Dessert (1875); One of the Wise Virgins (1877); Ansgar and Odbert baptizing Mother and Child (1878); Fisherman and Daughter (1854), Mormons visiting Country Joiner, Going to Church after Confinement (1861), Copenhagen Gal- lery. Sigurd Muller, 71 ; Weilbach, 129. DAME AU GANT (Lady with the Glove), CaroZus-Duran, Luxembourg Museum ; can- vas, H. 7 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft 4 in. Portrait of a lady, three-fourths length, putting on her Glove. DAMERON, CHARLES KMILE, born in Paris ; contemporary. Landscape pointer, pupil of Pelouse. Medals : 3d class, 1878 ;