Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/450

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DAMIANI 2d class, 1882; Philadelphia, 1870. Works : Women washing (1874) ; The Pyramids, Oaks of Grand Moulin, Street at Fouche- rolles (1875) ; In the Bay of Poult-Gouiu, Farm of Brohonniere (1876) ; Souvenir of Cernay-la-Ville, Winter (1877) ; The Aven in Finisterre (1878) ; The Beadle's Path (1879) ; Farm at Kerlaven in the Evening, A Quarry (1880) ; Woodman's Cabin in the Autumn (1881), Luxembourg Museum ; Fagots (1882) ; Valley of the Mautega (1883); Lake of Vaux-de-Cernay (1884); Approaching Storm (1885). DAMIANI, FELICE, born at Gubbio : flourished 1584-1616. Lombardo- Venetian school ; history painter, pupil of Ben. Nucci (?). Works : Circumcision, S. Do- menico, Gubbio ; Decollation of St. Paul (1584), Castel Nuovo, Eecanati ; Baptism of St. Augustine (1594), S. Agostiiio, Gubbio. He decorated, about 1596, two chapels in La Madonna cle' Lumi, San Severino, with illus- trations of life of the Virgin and Infancy of Christ. DAMINI, PIETEO, born at Castelfranco in 1592, died in Venice in 1(531. Venetian school; history painter, pupil of Gio. Bat. Novelli ; had won great reputation when he died of the plague. Executed many works at Castelfrauco, Vinceuza, Venice, Crerua, and Padua. Works : Christ giving Keys to St. Peter, S. Clemente, Padua ; Crucifixion, II Santo, Padua ; Life of St. Philip, cloister of the Serviti, Vicenza. His brother Giorgio, a good portrait painter, died also of plague, in Venice, in 1631. Baldiuucci, iv. 689. DAMOPHILUS, painter and modeller in clay. One of the earliest Greek painters heard of in Italy. Decorated, with his com- panion GorgaauK, Temple of Ceres, Libei-, and Libera at Kome (dedicated 494 u. c.). Pliny, xxxv. 45 [154]. DAMOYE, PIEERE EMMANUEL, born in Paris ; contemporary. Landscape paint- er, pupil of Corot, Daubiguy, and Bonnat. Medals : 3d class, 1879 ; 2d class, 1884. Works: The Old Road at Auvers, The Fields (1875); Prairies of Mortefontaine (1876, 1877) ; Pastures, The Downs at Cucq | (1878) ; Mill of Merlimont (1879), Luxem- ] bourg Museum; Fields at Auvers (1879); Crossway in Forest of Fontainebleau, In- undated Prairies (1880) ; Mill of Gouillan- deur, In the Landes of Carnac (1881) ; Isle of St. Denis (1882); After the Inundation (1883); Lake in Sologne, Plain of Genuevil- liers (1884) ; Road of the Dunes Norman- dy, Swamp of Arleux (1885). DANA, WILLIAM P. W., born in Boston, Mass., in 1833. Marine and figure painter ; visited Paris in 1852 and became a pupil of Picot, Le Poitevin, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Returned to America in 1862, elected N.A. in 1863. Medal, Paris, 3d' class, 1878. Studio in Paris (1885). Works: Cliffs at Sunset; Waiting for the Fishing- j Boats ; Marine (J. P. Morgan, New York),

Chase of the Frigate Constitution (William

Astor, ib. ) ; Low Tide at Yport ; Foggy Morning Coast of Normandy; French Peasant Girl; Heart's-Ease; English Grey- hound; Moonlight at Sea; On the Beach at Dinard Brittany (1879); Breakers, Channel Islands (1881); Bleak Day, Coast of Brit- tany (1882) ; Sea- Weed Gatherers, Brittany (1883); Near St. Malo, Brittany (Mrs. Isaac Bell), Seaside Harvest, Halt and the Blind, French Boats off for the Fishing-Grounds, End of a Storm (1884); Rough Weather, A Calm Night (1885). DANAE, Correggio, Palazzo Borghese, Rome ; canvas. Danae, nude, leaning against the cushions of a couch ; on the lower end sits Hymen, with outstretched wings, lifting her drapery to catch the golden rain-drops ; in front, two Cupids sharpening their arrows on a whetstone. Same history as the Leda of Correggio. Fetched 650 guineas at Or- leans sale ; in 1816 bought by Henry Hope for 183 ; afterwards sold in Paris for 285. One of the most beautiful of Correggio's mythological pictures. Engraved by Du- change; Desrochers; Triere; Cunigo; Sur- rugue. Meyer, Correggio, 352, 490; Kiinst. Lex., i. 441; Lermolieff, 195 ; Landon, CEu- vres, viii. PI. 57 ; Mengs, Opere, ii. 148.