Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/185

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GIRARDET (1844); Mother's Love (1840); Revelations (18411) ; Departure of the Lamlsturm in 17!)8, Ncuehatel Museuin ; Blind Beggar in Cairo (1845); Peasants and Bears, Ditlicult Letter, Little Apple Thieves (1846); Wooing in Bernese Oberloud, Alms, Going to School (1848), Berne Museuin; Sick Child, Xiirich Gallery ; Nest of Blackbirds (1841)); Bad Weather on the Mountains (18.10); A Land- Slide ; Village Wedding (185'J). Was also an engraver. Bellier de la Chaviguerie, i. G55 ; Vapereau (1880), 80!). GIHARDKT, Jl'LES, born in Paris ; con- temporary. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Cabanel. Medal, :i.l c-lass, ISfSl. Works: Little Fadctto (1877); Return from Market at Tanjier (1878); Skaters (bST'.l); Environs of Biskra (1880), Episode in Siege of Soragossa (1881); Defeated Army of Gen- eral Lescure passing the Loin; ( 188'J ); Rout atClialet, October, ll'M (18S.'t); The (iiron- din Louvet and his Friend Lodoiska, An Arrest during the Reign of Terror (1884); A Failuiv (1885). GIRARDET, KARL, born at Lode, Switzerland, May l:'>, 1810, died in Paris, April '24, 1871. Genre and landscape paint- IT, brother of Kdouard Henri, pupil of Leon Cogniet. Travelled much in Europe and the Levant, and accompanied the Due de Montpensier to Spain. Medals: :id class. 18137 ; 2d class, 1842 ; Grand Medal of Prussia, 184:5; Member of Academy of Am- stcrdain, 185:i ; honourable mention, 185."). Works : Hedge-School, Rabbits' Breakfast (1830); The Righi, Starting for the Market over Brientx Lake (18H7); Protestants snr- prised at Worship (1842), Neuchatel Mu- seum ; Views of Sorrento, Capri (1842), and Vesuvius (1843); The Nile; Mosque in Cairo, Due de Montpensier; The Bey's Tent at Isly, loways dancing in the Tuileries (1846), Versailles Museum ; Egyptian La- bourers (1847) ; Restaurant on the Nile (1849); Odalisque, Soldier's Return (18.10); Old Franciscan Convent at Alexandria, Lady Claypole reproaching her Father Cromwell with the Death of Charles! (1853); Cere- inony of Hand-Kissing in Hall of Ambassa- dors at Madrid, Liike of Urieii/, View in Val-de-Travers, Village and Lake of Brien/, Neuchatcl Miiseiini ; Episode in Battle of Moral <1S5(!), Berne Museum ; Meadow on the Aar, View on the Eure, Solitude (1K.V,); live views of Valais, Drinking-Place on the. Moors of Gascony (18(>1 ); View near Simi, Fishermen of Albengo (18(>:i); Mouth of the Toccia, Moors of Gascony (1864); Sunrise on Lago Maggiore (18(!(i); Storm in the Valais, Lake of Wallenstadt (INTO). Made designs for illustrations of the Orlando Fu rioso, Thiers's Consulate and Empire, and other works. Bellier de la ( 'havigncne, i. l'<~>~> ; Vapereau (, Its. GIR.U'D, (PIERUE FKANVO1S) El'- GKNE, born in Paris, Aug. ',), 1SOC, died in Paris, Dee. 2'.i, 18S1. Genre painter, pupil of Theodore Kichomnie, of Hersent, and of the Kcole des Beaux Arts, where he won the grand prix de Rome for engraving in 182(1. After his return from Italv he travelled with Alexander Dumas in Spain, and later in Al- geria and the Levant. Medals: :!d class, LSI!:}; 2d class, 18C3; L. of Honour, 1S.11 ; Of ficer, IHlid. Works: Volunteer Enlistments (18;).")) ; Marcel saving the Dauphin Charles (ISii(i); Armies of Conde and of ('oligny crossing the Loire (iNlt'.l); The Promenade, The Guide's Children (1840); Wasps (1 M:( ). 111 of a Fever in the Roman Campagna (184(i); Dance in a Posada, The Gust of Wind, Fire in Constantinople (1851!); Alge- rian Women, Flower-Girl (185'J); Henri IV. in the Tower of St. Germain-des-Pn's, Gypsy Woman of Seville (18(il); Overflow of the Nile, Mouchoraby in Cairo (1863) ; Dancing Girl in Cairo (18(!(!), formerly in Luxom- bourg Museum ; Night in Paris (18(56); Corn- ing from Vespers, Fatima (18(!8); La Devi sa, or Incident of a Bull-Fight (18()'.t), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; Confession before the Battle, Hunting for Herbs (1870); Mes- sage, Defended Gate (1872); Conde going to the Army, Disenchanted (1873); Rest, Jeweller in the Seraglio (1874) ; Second- hand Booksellers (1875) ; Flower-Market 115