Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/186

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GIJIAUD under the Directory (187(5); Criminal Court, Return from the Tavern (1877); Terrace near the Nile, Agreeable Meeting (1878); Hungarian Csarila (1880). Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. G58 ; Meyer, Gesch., 70(5 ; Vapereau (1880), 814. GIRAUD, SEBASTIEN CHARLES, born in Paris, Jan. 18, 181'J. Genre painter, brother and pupil of Eugene, and pupil of the Ecolc des Beaux Arts. Has accompa- nied as artist various expeditions, such as that under Prince Napoleon to Northern Europe, and lias visited America. L. of Honour, 1847. Works : Studio, Scene in Hayti (1851!); End of the Haytian War, Princess Mathilde's Diuing-Room, M. de Niemverkerke's Library (1859); Fifteenth Century Interior, View of Tinyvalla in Ice- land (18G1); Hunter Returning (1803), Be- sancon Museum ; Fifteenth Century Inte- rior (18G3); Interior of a Conservatory, Breton Tavern (18(i5); Napoleon III., Gal- lery of the Louvre, Interior of a Parlour (1866); Room in the Musee Cluny (18G7), Luxembourg Gallery ; Torture Room in Castle of Pierrefonds (18(!8); Bowling at Pont-Aven (18<5!t); Return from Fishing (1870); Women Spinning (1873); Landing- Place at Brienz (1874); The Farewell (1875); Flemish Interior (187G); Gathering Apples (1877); A Sunday in Brittany (1878); Fif- teenth Century Interior (1883). Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. G59. GIRAUD, VICTOR, born in Paris, Jan. 1-2, 1840, died there, Feb. 21, 1871. Genre painter, son and pupil of Eugene, and pupil of Picot, Works : Slave Merchant (1867), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; The Husband's Return (18(!8), Montpellier Mu- seum ; The Charmer (1870). GIRODET DE ROUSSY, ANNE LOUIS, called Girodet Triosou, born at Montargis (Loiret), Jan. 5, 17GG, died in Paris, Dec. 9, 1824. French school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Luquin and of David; won 2d prix de Rome in 1788, and grand prix in 1789. After five years in Rome he returned to Paris, won the ten-years prize for history (1810), and entered upon a successful career. He painted few pictures, but made many studies and de- signs, and illustra- ted n u m e r o u s books. Member of Institute, 1815 ; L. of Honour, 181G. Louis XVHI. or- dered the cross of an officer of the L. of Honour to be placed on Girodet's coffin. Works: Death of Tatius (1788), Angers Museum ; Joseph discovering him- self to his Brethren (1789) ; Hippocrates re- fusing the Presents of Artaxerxes (1792), Ecole de Medecine, Paris ; Antioehus and Stratonice (1793) ; Danao (1798), M. Chatil- lon ; Landscapes representing the Four Parts of the Day (1798) ; The Seasons (4 pictures, 1799, for King of Spain, copied in 1817 for Palace of Compiegne) ; Ossian and his Warriors (1802), Leuchtenberg Collec- tion, St. Petersburg ; Ddtirje (1810), Sleep of Endijmion (1792) ; Burial of Alula (1808), Louvre ; Napoleon receiving Keys of Vienna (1808), Revolt of Cairo (1810), Versailles Museum; Minerva, Apollo, Mercury, Nymphs, and Bacchus (G pictures), Hymen and Fe- cundity (1817), Gods and Nymphs (1818), Titon and Aurora, Dance of Greeks, Dance of Nymphs, Justice and Valour, etc. (4 pict- ures, 1822), Departure and Return of the Warrior, all at Compiegne ; Napoleon's Father (1805) ; Portrait of Napoleon L, Chateauroux Museum ; Male portrait, Cher- bourg Museum ; Young Woman's Head, Lyons Museum ; Burial of Atala, Amiens Museum; Gorgon Head, Perpiguau Museum; Anacreon, Dante and Virgil, Old Man, and others, Montpellier Museum ; Au- rora (180G), Leipsic Museum ; Pyg- malion and Galatea, Count Som- mariva sale, 1839, 14,000 francs; |QiO Head of the Virgin (1812), Count Perregaux sale, 1841, 3,155 francs; Fair Elizabeth (his favourite model), M. sale, l-IG