Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/282

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IIEXRIET de Rothschild, Paris ; canvas, H. 1 ft. 3 in. ' X 1 ft. 7 in. The King and his children at right, the Spanish ambassador at left near an open door ; in background, the Queen, seated ; at right, a maid, standing. Painted in 1817, for Due de Blacas ; Salon, 1824. According to Ch. Blanc, Ingres painted this subject again in 1828. La- rousse, ix. 187 ; Landon, Musi'e, Salon of (1824,) i. 34. HENRIET, FREDERIC, born in Chateau- Thierry, Sept. 6, 1826. Landscape painter ; was educated a. lawyer, and took up paint- ing after being secretary to Count Nieuwer- kerke, inspector of the Louvre. Author of " Le Paysagiste aux Champs" (Paris, 1866 : 2d edition, 187G) ; " Daubigny and his En- gravings " (Paris, 1875) ; ' Chintreuil, sa Vie et son (Euvre " (Paris, 1874). Knight of the Spanish Order of Isabella. Works : Ham- let of Montgoin (1867), Chateau-Thierry Museum ; The Marnc at Tancrou (1868), Yire Museum ; Islands of Mary-sur-Marne (1869), Laon Museum ; Shore Road at M.'/y (1879); Evening at Ri'vin (1880); The Meuse (1881) ; The Way to School (1882) ; Gothic Doorway at Armentieres, Tower of Guinettc (1883) ; View at Mr/y (1884) ; Ruins of Mill in the Ardennes (1885). Bel- lier, i. 176. HENRIETTA MARIA, QUEEN, portrait, Anton van Dyt-k, Windsor Castle. The Queen seated, with infant Duke of York in her arms, Prince Charles standing by her side, and three small dogs at her feet ; in back- ground, a curtain, and in distance, West- minster Hall. Engraved by R. Strange. Other portraits of the Queen at Windsor Castle, in collections of Earl of Clarendon, Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl of Portarling- ton, Earl of Radnor, in Ambrosian Library at Milan, and elsewhere. Head, 64 ; Klass. der Malerei, PI. 16. HENRY, EDWARD L , born in Charles- ton, S. C., Jan. 12, 1841. Genre painter, pupil of the Philadelphia Academy, and of Gleyre in Paris. In 1860-G3 lived in Paris, Rome, and Florence ; sketched on the James River during the Civil War; revisited Eu- rope in 1871, 1875, and 1882, when he sketched in France and England. Elected N.A. in 1869. Studio in New York. Works : Old Clock on the Stairs (1868) ; City Point- Grant's Headquarters (1869), Union League Club, New York ; Battle of Germaiitown, Win. Astor, ib. ; Declaration of Independ- ence, Cloister, J. W. Drexel, ib. ; Off for the Races (1878), Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia; Reception to Lafayette, Samuel Chew, Ger- mantown ; Waiting for the Bathers (1879) ; Mountain Stage (1880) ; Lovers of Ceramic Art, Railway Station (1881) ; In Sight of Home (1882); Uninvited Guests (1883); Waiting for the Answer (1884). HENSEL, WILHELM, born at Trebbin, Brandenburg, July 6, 1794, died in Berlin, Nov. 26, 18G1. History and portrait painter, pupil of Berlin Academy ; in 1813 joined the army as volunteer, and during the war went twice to Paris, where he studied the art treas- ures ; in 1825 went to Rome, returned in 1828, became court-painter, and in 1831 member of and professor at Berlin Acad- emy. Works : Christ on Mount of Olives (1812); Christ and W T oman of Samaria (1825); Farewell of Vittoria Caldoni ; Christ before Pilate, Garnisouskirche, Berlin ; Good Sa- maritan, Royal Palace, ib. ; Christ in the Desert; Miriam preceding Israel (1839), Queen of England ; Christ meditating on his Mission, Bridgewater Gallery, London ; Emperor Wenceslaus ; Italian Peasants at an Antique Well ; Duke of Brunswick at the Ball in Brussels in 1815 ; Portraits of Frederic William IV., Mendelssohn, Prince of Wales, and of nearly 1,000 famous con- temporaries. Art Journal (1862), 25 ; Ro- senberg, Berl. Malersch., 78. HER, THEODOR, born at Roth near Leutkirch, Wiirtemberg, July 30, 1838. Landscape painter, pupil of Stuttgart Art School under Neher ; in 1868 went to Paris, where he studied after Titian, Palma Vec- chio, Paolo Veronese, and Delacroix ; in 1869 pupil of Ramberg in Munich. Works : Spring Day (1872) ; Evening ; Landscape