Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/283

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HERBELIN with Figures ; Moonlight on Via Appia, Cyril Wiseman, Ixirn in Franco in 1H4K, died Morning on Lake Avcnuis (1S84). Ilhistr. in Ixjndon in 1882, was an artist of the Zeitg. (187:5), i- 275. brightest promise. Sandby, ii. 17!). HEIIBELIN, Mine. JEANNE MA- HERBST (Herbster), HANS, born in THILDE (nee Habert), born in Brunoy Strasburg about 1408. German school; (Seine-et-Oise), Aug. 24, 1820. Miniature master in 141)2 of the guild of Basic, where painter, pupil of her uncle, Belloc. Began Hans Holbein, the younger, painted his por- by painting iu oils. Tainted the only min- trait in 151(!. In 1500 painted au altarpiece iature ever admitted to the Luxembourg, for the convent of St. Dominick. (iave up Has visited Italy. Medals: Jid class, LSI:!; painting after the Reformation, having scru- 2d class, 1844; 1st class, 1847, 1848, 1S55. pies about ministering to picture-worship. - Works: Margaret of Spain (after Velasquez) ; Cotta's Kunstbl. ( 181(1), 40; W. .V; W., ii. Rembrandt's Virgin ; Peasant Woman, Bur- 48!J. gundian Shepherdess ; The Prayer ; A Sou- HERUSTHOFFER, KARL, born at Press- venir ; Child holding a Itose ; Girl playing burg, Hungary, April IT, 1821, died in Paris with a Fan (1855). in 1*70. Genre painter, pupil of Vienna HERBERT, JOHN" HOMERS, born at Academy under Amerling ; went afterwards Maldon, Essex, Jan. 215, 1810. History and to Paris, where he became naturali/ed, and portrait painter, pupil in London of Royal adopted Isabey's style. Works: Arpad Academy; began by painting portraits and elected Duke of the' ^higvars (1842); drawing book-illustrations; tirst subject eradc at Worms in 10th Century. Tasso picture exhibited, The Ajipointed Hour, reading to Duchess of Ferrara ( 18 (:!); Hun- After visiting Italy, exhibited Brides of Yen- garian Robbers in Ambush ( 184M), Sehwerin ice (18;!!l). His conversion to Roman ('a- (lallery ; Episode during the Ini[uisi(ion in tholicism (1840) has had a marked influence Holland (1840), owned by State ; Iconoclasts on his art. Elected an A.R.A. in 1841, and (184C), Avery Sale, New York, 1870 ; Studio It A. iu 184(i, when he was commissioned to of Van Ostade (1849); Daniel in Lions' Den, paint frescos in the Houses of Parliament. Lady Macbeth, Episode in Thirty Years' War Corresponding Member of Institute of (1850); Temptation (1852); liaising of Laza- France. Works: Introduction of Chris- rus (1855), owned bv State ; Studio of Ru- tianity into Britain (1842); Sir Thomas bens (1857); Partie Carree, Scene in St. Bar- More and his Daughter (1844), National tholomew's Night, Duel on Banks of the Gallery; St. Gregory teaching his Chant Seine (185!)); Gunsmith, Antechamber in (1845); St. John reproving Herod ( 1848); Time of Louis XIII. (18i;:i), both bought by Mary Magdalen (185!)); Virgin Mary (1 800 ); State; Last Resource (1805); Religious In- To Labour is to Pray (18(!2); Valley of struction in Jewish Family (18(58); Arrest Moses (18G8); Adoration of Magi (1874); (1871); Convulsionnaires in the Cemetery, David while a Shepherd, Our Lord after After the Pillage (187(5). Bellier, i. 700; Resurrection (1878); Youth of St. John the Kunst Chronik, v. 18!( ; Wurzbacli, viii. :i(!2 ; Baptist (1879); Christmas Eve at Bethlehem Xeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 215. (1880); Joseph warned that Archelaus Reigns, HERCULAXEUM, Hector h-nxix, John Flight from the Sword of Herod (1881); Jus- G. Johnson, Philadelphia; canvas, H. 15 ft. tice not always Slow, Happy Valley, Appoint- x4 ft. Destruction of Herculaneum, A.D. ed Hour, Esther with Handmaidens (1882); 79, by the eruption of Vesuvius, which is Madonna, Captive Musician (1883); Treas- seen in background ; in foreground, a group ures of the Home, Ruth with the Reapers of fugitives, mostly women, gazing on the at Meal-time, Evening near Windsor, Bend spectacle. Salon, 1881. on the Thames (1884). His sou and pupil HERCULES, ancient pictures. See 330