Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/291

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IIEUMEUX tal (1873); Masked Ball (1880), Pennsylva- . 23, 1(577. Flemish school; history and nia Academy, Philadelphia. Mailer, 253. genre painter, pupil of Damiaan Wortel- HERMELIN, OLOF, born at Gripenberg, mans, and formed himself further under the Smaland, Feb. 8, 1820. Landscape painter, influence of Rubens ; master of the guild in pupil of Stockholm Academy under Billings ; 1IJ37. Works : A Festival, Bridgewater ( ial- visited in 1870 Copenhagen, Dilsseldorf, lery, London ; Men and Women regaling Paris, Belgium, and Holland, and in 1S7:! Themselves, Repast, Marquis of Bute, ib. ; went to London. Member of the Stockholm Pharaoh's Dream, Christ bearing the Cross, Academy since 1870. Works: Evening in Hampton Court Palace ; Figures with Sheep at a Well, Dulwich (iallcrv; Peasant Fam- ily, Arenberg (iallery, Brussels; Calling of (ilnsi-'iiies. Autumn ; King's Hut in Orebro ; Shower in Bohuslan ; Cloudy Evening ; Spring Landscape; End of Winter; Autumn Land- St. Matthew, Comic Dulnis de scape ; Fish-Market in Honfleur ; On Hunting- CJround. Miiller, 2.">3. HERM1NIA AT THE SHEPHERD'S HOUSE, vas, H. 4 ft. x 5 ft. 10 in. Herminia, in Clorinda's armour, addresses the old shepherd, whose children play the tlute and the pipe, and whose sheep are seen in the fold (Tasso, Jerusa- lem Delivered, Canto vii.). Collection of Louis XIV. Formerly attributed to An- nibale Carracci. Villot, Cat. Louvre; Reveil, v. 308. HERMOGENES, painter and pliilos- ib.; Conversion of St. Augustine, Baptism opher, of Carthage ('?), second half of 2d of do., St. Augustine's, Antwerp ; Abraham century, A. i). After his conversion to Chris- and the Angels, Darmstadt Museum; do., tianity he incurred the anger of Tertullian, Cassel (iallerv ; Peasant at Domestic Work, whose work " Adversus Hermogencm "alone Bam berg (iallery ; Satyr at Repast of Peas- lias preserved the painter's name from ant Family, Berlin Museum ; Soldiers in oblivion. Peasant's Cottage ( 1(!(>1), Harrach (iallery. HERNANDEZ, Don GERMAN, born in Vienna; Christ with Martha and Mary, Spain ; contemporary. History painter, pu- Sehwerin Gallerv ; Christ's Kntry into Jeru- pil of San Fernando Academy. Works : Soc- salem, Stockholm Museum; Christ before rates in the House of Lais ; *. Caiaphas, do. Journey of the Virgin and St. John to Eplie- (_f f- A-rf JPO bearing the sus ; Entombment ; Romeo and Juliet ; The * Cross, do. Virgin in the Desert ; Return from Ponte crowned with Thorns, Historical Society, Molle Rome, Luisa Miller (1883). La II- New York. Kramm, iii. (!80 ; Michiels, viii. ustracion (1883), i. 242, 2!)1. 248 ; Van den Branden, JtUJ. HERP, GUILLIAM (Willeiu) VAN, born HERP, HKNDRIK VAN, born at Ant- at Antwerp in 1U14, died there, buried June werp, baptized May 20, Ifilit, died there in nia 3t the Shepherd's House, Domenichino, Louvre. 245