Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/292

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IIEEPFER 1GC7. Flemish school ; history painter, son | Male Portrait (1639), Germanic Museum, of and first instructed by Nicolaas van Herp [ Nuremberg. (pupil of Hendrik van Balen in 1602, and ; HEREEGOUTS, HENDRIK, born at master of the guild in 1606) ; then (1627) Mechlin, April 1, 1633, died at Antwerp pupil of Adam van Noort ; master of the before March 3, 1704. Flemish school ; guild in 1637. Works : St. Roch adoring history painter, son and pupil of David the Virgin, The Plague-Stricken invoking Herregouts (born at Mechlin in 1600), spent St. Roch, Godshuizen, Antwerp. Van den several years at Rome studying after the best Branden, 922. masters, was at Cologne about 1661, came HERPFER, KARL, born at Diukelsbiihl, to Antwerp, and entered the guild there in Bavaria, Nov. 30, 183(5. Genre painter, pu- 1664, but soon removed to Mechlin, where pil of Munich Academy under Ramberg ; ! he became master of the guild in 1666 ; went paiuts mostly rococo scenes, better in draw- ! afterwards again to Germany and Italy, ing and colour than in composition. Works : whence he returned to Antwerp in 1679. The Coquette ; Good News ; Disagreeable Painted altarpieces for churches in all the News ; The Nurse ; Gentle Waking ; Inter- principal cities of Belgium. Works : Mar- rupted Festival ; Scene from Medic-re's " Nar- tyrdorn of St. Matthew, Antwerp Cathedral ; cisse " ; Disturbed Betrothal (1872), Kunst- ', Last Judgment, St. Ann's, Bruges ; Mar- halle, Hamburg. Miiller, 253. tyrdom of St. Basil, St. Basil's, ib.; St. Au- HERPIX, LEON, born at Granville, Nor- mandy, Oct. 12, 1841, died Oct. 27, 1880. gustine in Ecstasy, St. John's Hospital, ib.; St. Dominic in Prayer, Notre Dame, ib. ; Landscape and porcelain painter, pupil of Assumption, St. Magdalen's, ib.; Apotheosis Daubigny, J. Andre'-, and Busson. Medals : of Christ, St. Peter and Paul's, Mechlin ; 3d class, 1875 ; 2d class, 1876. Works : Trinity, Cologne Museum. Descamps, iii. Seine at Sevres (1868); Environs of Dinan , 105 ; Kramin, iii. 681 ; Merlo, 175 ; Van den (1869); Views of Bas-Meudon (1870); Island : Branden, 947. of Chansey (1872); The Oise, River in the Woods (1874); The Marne at Chennevieres, The Knoll of Moulineaux (1875); Bridge of Si'vres, The Little Bridge of San Jacut HERREGOUTS, JAN BAPTIST, born in Gelders about 1640, died at Bruges in 1721. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, brother of preceding, like whom he visited (1876) ; Environs of Cherbourg, Salt Marshes Italy, then entered the guild at Antwerp in of the Pouliquen (1877); Paris at Evening 1673 ; removed to Bruges in 1682, and there from the Bridge of Saints Prres (1878), Paris from the Pont Nouf (1878), Luxem- became master of the guild in 1684. Works : Circumcision, Assumption, St. Ann's, Bruges; bourg Museum ; do. in 1878 (1879), bought ' Presentation in the Temple, The Virgin and by the city ; Castle of Gaillard (1880) ; Old ! Saints kneeling before Christ, Church of the Mill at Bonneuil, Gate of La Villette 1 Carmelites, ib.; two portraits (1699, 1709), (1881). Amer. Art Rev. (1881), 88 ; L'Art j St. John's Hospital, ib.; portrait of himself, (1880), xxiii. 168 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. do. of his Father, Academy, ib. ; The Cardi- nal Virtues (3), Town Hall, Ostend. Van den Brandeu, 948. HERRENBURG, JOHANN ANDREAS, 461. HERR, MICHAEL, born at Metzingen, Wiirtemberg, in 1591, died at Nuremberg in 1661. German school ; history and por- born in Berlin, Feb. 6, 1824. Architecture trait painter ; seems to have gone to Nurem- and landscape painter, pupil of Biermann ; berg early in life, and returned in 1620 after travelled in Germany, France, and Italy, and a visit to Italy. Works : The Seven Liberal in 1845 went to Athens, whence by order of Arts with Mars and Justice (1622); Nurem- King Otto he travelled through the Morea berg during the Siege in Thirty Years' War, in search of ancient monuments. In 1846 846