Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/370

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IRENE IKENE (Eirrne), painter, (laughter and pupil of Cratinus. Among her works were a Calvpso, an Aged Man, and Alcistheues the Dancer. Pliny, xxxv. 40 [147] ; Clem. Alex., and Strom., iv. 124, 020, Pott. 11UA11TE, IGNACIO, born at Azcoitia, (luipuzcoa, in 1020, died in Seville in 1(185. Spanish school ; landscape painter, pupil of Herrera el Yiejo ; frequently worked in eon- junction with Murillo, who painted the lig- ures while Iriarte executed the backgrounds. Was an original member and first secretary of the Academy of Seville. AVorks : Land- scapes (4), Madrid Museum ; Landscape, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Stirling, ii. !K51; Ch. Blanc, Kcole espagnole ; Madrazo ; Cur- tis, 344 ; Washburn, 1(54. IKMER, KARL, born atBabitz, Branden- burg, Aug. 28, 181:54. Landscape painter, pupil in Dessau of August .Becker, then of Diisseldorf Academy under Crude ; after trav- elling through Germany, and visiting Vienna, Paris, and Brussels, he settled in Diisseldorf. Court-painter to the Duke of Anhalt. Medal in Vienna (187:5). AVorks : Moonrise ; Land- scape with Cows ; Dicksee in Holstein (187(1), National Gallery, Berlin; View in Riigen (187(5). Miiller, '275. IRMINGEK, VALDEMAH, born in Co-| penhagen, Dec. 2'J, 1850. Animal and mili- ! tary genre painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, when; he won a prize in LsT'.) ; visited Paris in 1880, and Germany, Switzer- land and Italy in . 1882. Works : Geese Driven Home (1874); Brown Mare with Foal, Proclamation in AYar Time (1879); Dragoons [ returning from Reconnoitring, Dragoon making Inquiry of Old Woman, Dragoon Trumpeter (1880); Foot-Guards Besting in the AVoods (1881); Battery Changing Posi- tion (1882); Infantry at Manu'uvrc, Puppies, AVouuded Lioness (1883). Sigurd Miillcr, 1(14. HIVING, J. BEAUFAIN.borniu Charles- ton, S. C., in 1820, died in 1877. Genre painter ; in 1851 studied with Leutzc in Diisseldorf, and after painting there several years, lived in Charleston until he finally set- tled in New York about 18G5. Elected an A.N.A. in 1809 and N.A. in 1872. Works : Disclosure, L. AV. Jerome, New York ; The Splinter (1807); Wine-Tasters (1809), August Belmont, New York ; Portrait of Mrs. Au- gust Belmout (1871) ; End of the game (1872), J. H. Sherwood; Book-AVonn, Mus- keteer of the Seventeenth Century (1874); Connoisseurs ; Cardinal AVolsey and his Friends (1875) ; Oft' the Track (1870) ; Af- ter the Siege, Banquet at Hampton Court in the Sixteenth Century (1877), J. J. As- tor, New York; Waiting an Audience, 11 L. Stuart Collection, ib. ISAAC, HISTORY OF, Eaphacl. See Haphael's Bible. ISAAC BLESSING JACOB (Gen. xxvii.), M iii-ill< i, Duke of Wellington, London ; can- vas, H. ii ft. in. x 5 ft. Isaac, seated in bed under a canopy, blesses Jacob, who kneels ; on left, Rebekah ; near centre, a girl carrying a basket of linen with pigeons around her ; background, a valley and ruined castle. Curtis, 118. By Murillu, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; canvas, H. 8 f t. x 11 ft. 9 in. Isaac, seated in bed before an archway nearly filled by a red curtain, blesses Jacob, who kneels and is presented by Rebekah as Esau ; beside the bed, a table with bread, game, and a bowl ; opposite, a landscape and well ; a servant-maid enters with a water-jar ; in background, Esau is seen with a dog re- turning from the chase. Companion to Ja- cub's Dream, in Hermitage ; the two belonged to Marques de Santiago, Madrid ; purchased in Paris in 1811 for Hermitage. Curtis, 118. ISAAC AND KEBEKAH, MARRIAGE OF (Gen. xxiv.), Claude Lorraiu, Palazzo Doria, Koine ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 1 in. x ft. in. In centre, a river with its waters ar- rested by the dam of a mill situated at left, whence the picture is commonly called II Molino (Le Moulin, The Mill). In fore- ground, the marriage festival of Isaac and Rebekah. Liber Veritatis, No. 113. En- I graved by Gmelin (1804), Vivares (1700). ( Sketch, dated 1047, Seymour Haden, Lon- 318