Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/371

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ISAAC don. Replica of picture in National Gallery, etitions, with variations: Hampton Court; London ; sent to England by C. S. Evard Francis Clare Ford, London. Curtis, '.12 ; and sold to Angerstein, with Embarkation Athen.eum (1802), 023. of Queen of Sltclni, for 200,000 francs ; pur- By IV/u.-vyncr, Madrid Museum; canvas, chased for National Gallery in 1S24. En- H. '.) ft. 10 in. xlO ft. :5 in. About twenty- graving in Gallery Angerstein, in Cabinet live years old, on a white horse, which walks Gallery, in Mason's National Gallery, and by left; brown dress; landscape background. Goodall (18:54). Pattison, Claude Lorrain, Probably painted in 1014 ; companion to 51, 227 ; Cat. Nat. Gal.; Waagen, Treasures, Philip IV. of same si/e in Madrid Museum, i. 341. .Etched by F. Goya. Palomino, iii. 3:52; ISAAC, SACRIFICE OF, Tintm-clto, Sen- Curtis, !)l'; Madra/o, 00!>. ola di S. Koeco, Venice ; oval, on ceiling of ISABEL, SANTA, Mnrillo. See l-'lizali-th upper room. "Ono of the least worthy of of Hungary. the master in the room, the three figures ISABELLA, Sir John Everett Millni.-; being thrown into violent attitudes, as incx- I loyal Institution, Liverpool ; canvas, H. I! pressive as they are strained and artificial." ft.:! in. 4 ft. 7.', in. Scene from Keats's Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 3411; Ridolti. ])oem "Isabella, or the Pot of Basil "- Marav. , ii. IDS. foiinde<l on Boccaccio's storv ; descriptive ISAAC, SACRIFICE OF. See. also, ,,f the feelings of the two brothers on dis- Abriihnm. covering the mutual love of Isabella and ISAACS/ (I/aaksz, Ysaacx), PIETER, Loren/o. This, UK; tirst Pre-Raphaelite born at Helsingor, Denmark, in l.">01), died picture bv Millais. represents two rows of at Amsterdam probably in 10:51. Dutch persons seated at fable, nearly all seen in school; history and portrait painter, pupil profile, and most, of them portraits of friends, at Amsterdam of Cornells Ketel, afterwards At right, Lorcn/o (William Ilossctti) holds a of Johann von Achen ; after travelling in plate, on which he offers half of a cut blood- Germanv and Italv settled at Amsterdam, orange to Isabella (Mrs. Honry Hodgkinson), and temporarily (1018-23) worked at Co- who is caressing a hound. At left, one of penhagen as court-painter to Christian IV. the brothers (Mr. John Harris), enraged at Works: Portrait, of Christian IV., Berlin hcrreccption of Loren/.o's courtesy, viciously Museum ; Allegory on Vanity (1000), Basle kicks the hound, while the other (Dante da Museum ; Princely Banquet, Copenhagen brielRossetti), looking over his glass, watches Gallery. Arcliief v. nederl. K., ii. 135 ; the lovers with cruel eyes. A guest (the Krainm, iii. 780. artist's father) wipes his lips with a napkin ; ISABEL OF BOURBON, QUEEN, tirst another (Mr. W. Hugh Fenn) pares an wife of Philip IV., V>-lnsqn<'z, Mrs. Henry apple ; a serving-man (Mr. Wright), with a Huth, Wykehurst, Surrey, England; canvas, j white napkin over his arm, stands behind H. 6 ft. 7 in. x 3 ft 8 in. Full-length, stand- Isabella and Lorenzo. Painted in isis <.i ; ing, wearing a black head-dress with white Royal Academy, 1K4!) ; bought by 15. (!. feather, white ruff, close-tit t ing under-slecves, Windus. of Tottenham ; at his sale (1808), and black hooped dress, with a border of i!072 10s., to Thomas Woollier, R.A. ; his leaves of gold around the bottom and up sale (1875), C8!)2 10s., to Constantino A. the front, and on the bodice and long open I Ion ides, London ; sold at Christie's (1883) sleeves; in left hand, a fan ; right hand on ' for 1,102 10s. Engraved in Art Journal back of a chair ; background, pink drapery. Louis Philippe sale (185:5), C300, to Mr. Farrar, who sold it in 1803 to Mr. Huth. Companion to Mrs. Huth's Philip IV. Rep- (1882) by H. Bourne. Eraser's Mag. (1849), xl. 77 ; Art Journal (1882). 188. ISABELLA, EMPRESS (wife of Charles V.), portrait of, Titian, Madrid Museum : 319