Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/445

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KNELLER Little Pigs (1881); Portraits of Professors painted. On his return from Italy, lived Mommsen and Helmholtz (1881), Nation- for a time in Hamburg, but was induced to al Gallery, Berlin ; Student's Visit Home in go to England Vacation (1884). W T orks in United States: in 1(!74, and re- Road to Ruin, Female Head, Rag Baby, ceived such a < -^ W. H. Vanderbilt, New York; IMij Fain- flattering re- : V"fc> <; ily, None but the Cats, Miss C. L. Wolfe, ib. ; ception from '-*' M 4^' N ; ^ Going to the Dance, August Belmont, ib. ; Charles II. that . , , -r-'w.Vl City Belle, M. Graham, ib. ; Little Scholar, he determined Gretchen, Girl's Head, W. Rockefeller, ib. ; to re m a i n Priest and Poacher, T. R. Butler, ib. ; Ro- there. After coco, J. C. Runkle, ib. ; Baby, D. O. Mills, the death of Sir ib. ; Little Gretchen, C. S. Smith, ib. ; Study Peter Lely he of Head, J. T. Martin, Brooklyn ; Butcher was made court-painter, and he received Boy, Portrait, D. W. Powers, Rochester, equal favour from James II, William III, N. Y.; City Girl, G. Whitney, Philadelphia ; who knighted him (1092), Queen Anne, and Blacksmith, J. D. Lankenau, ib. ; Mud Pies George I . who made him a baronet (1715). (1873), W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; German His forty-three portraits of the members Subject, Leland Stanford, San Francisco; of the Kit Kat Club, and his Beauties at Unwelcome Visitor, Charles Crocker, ib. ; Hampton Court, are examples of his facile Child, R. C. Taft, Providence ; Female and meretricious style and corrupt, taste. Head, J. A. Brown, ib. ; Old Age and Child- That he was the leading portrait painter of hood, Longworth Collection, Cincinnati ; his dav shows the low slate of art at the Head of Madonna, Hurlbut Collection, time. " Where," says Valpole, ' he offered Cleveland; Wood-Chopper, S. A. Coale, St. one picture to fame, he sacrificed twenty to lucre." The National Portrait Gallerv c<>n- VO rtt tains fifteen portraits by him, including Ad- TftAS.TS JO dison, Congrcve, Watts, Wren, James II. Louis. Gartenlanbo (181!!)), 12; Kunst- (1G85), and Lady Russell. Portraits of Ad- Chronik, i. 137; v. 82, 143; vi. 141 ; xii. 1'.) ; dison, Pope, Dr. Wallis, and of himself, Illust. Zeitg. (1804), i. 115 ; (1881), ii. 308, hang in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 374; Miiller, 301; Wolfgang Mullcr, Diis- Other works : Portrait of the Engraver John seldorf K., 253 ; Leixner, D. mod. K., i. (!7 ; Smith (10%), National Gallery, London; Nord und Slid, xiv. 117; Hecht, i. 124; William III landing at Margate (1<I'.)7), Riegel, Kunst-Studien, 408; Reber, C18 ; Peter the Great, Queen Mary II, William Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 177 ; Vom Fels Duke of Gloucester, John Locke, Sir Isaac zum Meer, i. 302; Wiegmann, 333 ; Zeitschr. Newton, The Hampton Court Beauties (H), f. b. K., iv. 17; vi. 148 ; x. (Mittheilungen, Child with Lamb, Hampton Court Palace ; iii. C5); xii. 388. James II, The Converted Chinese, Windsor KNELLER (Kniller), Sir GODFREY, Castle ; Portrait of Canon Francois dc Cock, Bart., born in Lilbeck, Aug. 8, Ki4(!, died at Antwerp Museum ;Male Portraits (3), Bruns- Twickenham, Nov. 7, 1723. Dutch school ; wick Museum ; Copernicus in his Study, portrait painter, reputed to have studied Iv'niigsberg Museum ; Queen Henrietta under Rembrandt and Ferdinand Bol at Maria, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; John Amsterdam, and in Rome (1072-74) under Locke, Sculptor Gibbons, Hermitage, St Carlo Maratta and Bernini (?); went after- Petersburg; Man in Coat of Mail, Standard- wards to Venice, where be was well received Bearer (1048, copies after Rembrandt), by the leading families, whose portraits be Scbweriu Gallery ; A Princess of Portugal,