Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/446

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KNIGGE Princess tie Barbensson, William Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury (171G), Vienna Museum. His elder brother, John Zachary Kncllrr (1G35-1702), who went to England with him, painted architectural decorations in fresco, and portraits and still life in oil. A portrait of William III. of Orange by him is in the Schwerin I/ f)() Gallery. Acker- A nUW iylO maml , Portrutma- ler Sir (J. K. ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole allemaude ; Engcrth, Belved. Gal., ii. 22(5 ; Kramm, iii. 878 ; Taylor, Fine Arts ; Hamburg, Kilnst. Lex. (1854); Walpole, Anecdotes ; Cat. Nat. Tort. Gal; Redgrave. KNIGGE, OTTO, born in Berlin, Dec. 14, 18:55, died there, March 5, 18813. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of Weimar Art School, then in Paris of Couture and in lierlin of OskarBegas ; visited Italy in 18(59. Works : Altai-piece, St. Peter's, Berlin ; Healing of Sick Woman, Elizabeth Hospital, I5erlin ; Loreley, Breslau Gallery ; Morning .Dew ; Joseph of Arimathea bringing the Crown of Thorns to the Virgin. Dioskuren (18(5(5) ; Illust. Zeitg. (18G7-G8) ; Kuust- Chronik, xviii. 395 ; Miiller, 353. KNIGHT, DANIEL RIDGWAY, born in Philadelphia, Pa., contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, in 1872, of Gleyre, and of Meissonier in 187G. Exhibits at Paris Salon and at the National Academy. Studio at Poissy, France. Works : The Veteran (1870) ; Othello in the House of Brabautio (1871) ; Fugitives, Antiquary, Dividing the Profits, Old Beau (1873) ; Strolling in the Garden (1874) ; Washerwomen (1875) ; Market Place at Poissy, Harvest Scene (1877) ; Pot au Feu (1878) ; In Mourning (1882) ; Sans Dot (1883) ; Noonday Rest (1884) ; Chat- terboxes (1885), Reichard it Co., New York. KNIGHT, JOHN PRESCOTT, born at Stafford in 1803, died in London, March 28, 1881. Portrait painter, pupil of H. Sass and George Clint, and of Royal Academy in 1823 ; became an A.R.A in 1836, and R.A. in 1844. Was professor of perspective in 1 Roj'al Academy in 1839-GO, and secretary in j 1847-73. Art Journal (1849), 209 ; (1881), 1 159 ; Sand by, ii. 174. KNIGHT ERRANT, Sir John Everett 1 MUlais, Bart., Charles H. Wilson, Esq., M.P.; j canvas, H. G ft. x 4 ft. 5 in. A woman, made prisoner by brigands and stripped, is bound nude to a tree in a wooded rocky landscape ; near her, one of the robbers lies on the rocks dead, slain by a knight in armour, who is cutting her bonds with his sword ; in the distance, shadowy figures flying in fear. The only example by Millais of a full- length, life-size, nude female figure. Painted in 1870 in six weeks. KNIGHT AND TWO WOMEN, Tinlo- ri'tln, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 11 in. x 8 ft. 2 in. A knight in a gondola, which a helmsman steers, rescues two nude women from a tower. From the reserved pictures in 18G1. KNIGHT'S VISION, Raphael, National Gallery, London ; wood, 7 in. sq. A youth- ful knight asleep upon his shield at foot of a laurel tree ; a lovely girl stands near his head, with a sword in one hand and a book Knight's Vision, Raphael. National Gallery, London. in the other, while a second watches at his feet and presents a myrtle blossom ; back- ground, a landscape with a village, and a fortress on a hill. Painted in Perugia in 1504-5 (?). Long in Borghese collection, 394