Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/48

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ELLIGEK of Overbcck. Appointed court-painter at Baden in 1829 and revisited Rome in 1838- 40. Works : St. Cecilia (1814) ; Praying Girl, Madonna (1824); Holy Virgin reading, Madonna in Glory, St. Nicholas, Resurrec- tion (1825); St. Anatolica (1820); Martyr- dom of St. Stephen (1827), Catholic Church, Carlsruhc ; St. Cecilia (1829); Ma- donna in the Rose-Hedge (1834), Carlsruhe Gallery; Magnificat (1835); St. Charles of Borromeo (183>S); St. Felicitas with her Sons, Jesus and the Children, St. Anthony, Angel bearing Prayers to Heaven (1840); Simeon in the Temple; Raising of Lazarus ; Baptism of Livia ; St. Jerome ; Gratitude. Allgeni. d. Biogr., vi. 49 ; Andresen, iv. 30. KLLIGEll (Elger), OTTMAR (Ottomar), the elder, born at Gothenburg, Sept. 18, Ki33, died in Berlin in 1079. Flemish school ; fruit and flower painter, pupil in Antwerp of Daniel Seghers, called to Berlin as court- painter, by the Great Elector, in lf>70. Works: Tulip with Roses and Berries on a Table (1074), Bouquet on a Table with Grapes and Apricots, Dresden Gallery ; others in Brunswick, Frankfort, and Stock- holm Galleries. Kramm, ii. 422 ; Michiels, viii. 303. ELLIGER, OTTMAR, the younger, born in Hamburg in 1000, died at Amsterdam in 1732. Dutch school ; history painter, son and pupil of Ottmar Elliger the elder ; then pupil in Amsterdam of Michiel van Mus- schert and of Gerard de Lairesse ; painted, in the style of the Litter, wall and easel pictures in which he loved to introduce grand architecture. Works : Death of Alex- ander the Great (1710), Marriage of Peleus and Thetis (1717), for Elector of Mcntz ; Banquet of Cleopatra, Herodias dancing be- fore Herod and his Guests, Cassel Gal- lery; Woman with Goblet and Fruits (1714), Vienna Museum ; Allegory, Bor- deaux Museum ; others in Brunswick Mu- seum. Immerzeel, i. 221 ; Kramm, ii. 422. ELLIOTT, CHARLES LORING, born at Scipio, N. Y., Dec., 1812, died in Albany, Aug. 25, 1868. Portrait painter, pupil of Trum- dor in New York, where he spent the greater part of his profession- al life. Elected anA.N.A. in 1845 and N. A. in 1846. His pictures are to be found in the State Library, Albany, the Mercantile Library, Baltimore, and in the New York City Hall. Among his por- traits are those of : Matthew Vassar (Vas- sar College) ; Fletcher Harper ; Fenimore Cooper ; Fitz-Greene Halleck ; Governors Hunt and Seymour ; Erastus Corning, A. B. Durand, N.A., Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; his own portrait, M. O. Rob- erts' Collection, New York. Ideal works : Falstaff (Vassar) ; Don Quixote ; Andrew van Corlaer the Trumpeter, W. T. Wales, Baltimore ; Head of Skaneateles Lake, F. N. D. Horton ; Falstaff, Leonard Jerome, New York. ELMORE, ALFRED, born at Clonakilty, Ireland, June 18, 1815, died in London, Jan. 24, 1881. Student in London in 183-2 of Royal Academy, where he exhibited in 1834 his Subject from an Old Play. Made an extend- ed art tour to Paris, Munich, Venice, Bologna, Florence, and Rome, where he remained two years. Returned to England in 1844 ; became an A.R.A. in 1845, and R.A. in 1856. Works : Martyrdom of Thomas a Becket (1840), St. Andrew's Church, Dublin ; The Novice 16