Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/49

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ELSASSER (1843) ; Rienzi in the Forum (1844); Inven- tion of Stocking Loom (1847); Death of Rob- ert, King of Naples (1848); Griselda (1850); Charles V. at Yustc (1850), Loo sale, 188:5, 1,412; Incident in Life of Daute (IS.-,*;; Tuileries in 1792 (1800); Mario Antoinette in the Temple (1801 ); Lucrezia Borgia ( 18<!3 ) : Louis XIII. and Louis XIV. (1*70); Across the Fields (1872) ; Afterthe Expulsion(187:i); Mistress Hettie Lambert (1874); Ophelia (1875); Mary Queen of Scots ami Darnlev (1877); Pompeii, Judith and Holofernes, Columbus at Porto Santo, John Alden and Priscilla (1878); Sabina, Greek Ode (187!); After the Ruin, Lenore. Art Journal (1857), 113 ; (1881), 95 ; Sandby, ii. 302 ; Meyer. Conv. Lex., xviii. 281. ELSASSER, FRIEDRICH AUGUST, bom in Berlin, July 24, 1810, died in Rome, Sept. 1, 1845. Landscape and archi- tecture painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Blechen ; went to Rome in IS.'il, and was much influenced by Fran/. Catel ; mem- ber of Berlin Academy in 1841. Works: Outlook from Volsker Mountains towards the Sea, From the Woods of Calabria ; The- atre of Taormina ; Church Interior of Pa- lermo ; Convent Yard in Palermo ; Interior of St. Peter's in Rome ; View of Roman Ru- ins ; Campo Santo in Pisa by Moonlight ; Siren Group in Tivoli ; Cloister in Cefalti ; View of Tivoli ; Views of Peacock Isle near Potsdam. His brother Julius (born in Ber- lin in 1815, died in Rome, Dec. 25, 1S59), also made a reputation as a landscape paint- er. AUgem. d. Biogr., vi. (il ; Brockhaus, vi. 81. ELSHOLTZ, LUDWIG, bom in Berlin, June 2, 1805, died there, Feb. 3, 1850. Genre and battle painter, pupil of Berlin Academy and of Friinz Kriiger. Works: Battle of Leipsic (1833); Battle of Denne- witz ; Farewell on Battlefield ; Scene from Battle of Bautzen ; Noon-Day Rest during Harvest ; Entry of Allies into Paris ; Civic Guard ; Beginning of Skirmish (1834), Na- tional Gallery, Berlin. Allgem. d. Biogr., vi. 67 ; Brockhaus, vi. 82. ELSHEIMER (Elzheimer), ADAM, born in Frankfort, baptized March 18, 1578, died in Rome in K>20. German school; landscape painter, pupil of Philip Uffeubacb; called Adam of Frankfort at Rome, where ho fixed his resi- dence at an early age. Had numer- ous pupils, such as Lastman, Jan Pinas. and Goudt, and founded a new school which treated biblical subjects in the nat- ural, anti-classic style afterwards developed by Rembrandt, of whom he is regarded as one of the precursors. His biblieal and mythological scenes are represented in land- scapes suggested by Italian motives, and the figures are no lay figures, but human in dress and sentiment. Each one of his pu- pils lirouglit back to Holland something of his master, whose inlluenee was communi- cated to Rembrandt, through Lastman. Works: .Sacrifice at Lystra, llacchus among the. Nymphs at Nysa, Stiidel Gallery, Frank- fort : Landscape with Mountain Prospect, Aurora, Brunswick Museum ; St. Lawrence, Carlsruhe Gallery ; replica, Montpellier Mu- seum : Landscape with St. Jerome, Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Walk to F.mmaus, Aschall- enburg Gallery; Martyrdom of St. Law- rence, Contento, an Allegory, Flight into Egypt, Burning of Troy, Woodland Valley, St. John Preaching (V), Old Piimkothek, Munich ; Six Scenes from Life of Mary, Syrinx and Pan, St. Martin and the Beggar, Arcadian Wood Landscape, Berlin Museum; Flight into Egypt, Joseph put into a Pit by his Brethren, Jupiter and Mercury visiting Philemon and Baucis, Judith (?), Dresden Gallery; Repose in Egypt, Museum, Vienna; Realm of Venus, Academy, ib. ; Birth of Christ, Czernin Gallery, ib. ; Flight into Egypt, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; do., Ferdi- nandeum, Innsbruck ; Peter denying Christ, 17