Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/54

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KNTOMHMKNT Christ borne lo the tomb liy two young men; near I he body, behind, John, Joseph of Ari- nialhea, and Mary Magdalen ; at, right, the Virgin mvooning, supported by three women; background, rocky landsca|ie with Calvary iu distance. I'ainled in I'ernjMii by order of Alalanla Ilicdimii, for her chapel in S. Fran cesco, where il, remained until IliOM, when II, ya;l removed lo the I'ala/./.o llorghcHc, u copy made by the ( '.ivahrre di Al'pilio lieing pill lulu ilrt place. Carried in I7'.I7 |i> I'urin ; reliirned In Valic.-in in I M I ' ', "I lerard removed l,o |'iilu/./.o llorghese, Dis li.'Miri'd liy Hpliln mid p:iti-lnvi. ('uiiii-i liy I' 1 . rrnni ( IMS), Turin < i:illrr ; liy < >ru/io Al f:mi, rrru.'Mii ( inline ; li S:IH .ofrrrnto, S. 1'ii'lro, I'l'rii; 1 !!! ; mid ollnTs. Tlin-r round lllonoi'liniliii'H, I'nili I|I>|M', mid ('li:iril, in i iln- pri'di'llii of Ilic Mnloniliniciit, urn in tlm N'lilii'iin. Tlir Imirllc ri'iirrsriilinj; < lod Hie liitlier MIII rounded liv leu eliernlis' lieiiiln ui in (lie lYru;'i:i ( iullerv ; dehi;Mieil, bill not painted, bv li:iplinel. St udii'N for Kn toinlinieiil in lioinre, llli/i, l'iil:i//o Hoc- i;liese, etc-. l,ii;;racd by Sriilberjj, Collin, 1'iroli, olpato, i ,1, i Sc'heieh, mid MIIH quelier. I'redellu, en;;nived bv Desnocrs (1NII), Liindon, Koch. ( '. ('., Itiiphael, i. :II5 ; PiiHsiivmil, i 1(5, ii. 57 ; liuinohr, Iliilienisclui Foi'si'.hungini, ii. (ill; V-iHiiri, e.l. Mil., iv. :t'27 ; Kiigli-r (Eiutlttke), ii. 422; Miinl/,, 2:t:i, '217 ; I'erkiiiK, Knmiy, 75. lly II IliiHxn, Ijouvre ; oiinvilH, H. 4 ft. 1 in. x5 ft. .'t in. Tho body of Christ, on il cushion at, the entrance of the tomb, is sus- taini'd by Nicodemus ; lit left, the Mngdalen holds his feet; Hie Virgin, on her kneew, with arms extended, swoons in tlm arms of olio of the holy women. Probably the pi. -line which, according lo Vasari, was painted for Sc'imr di I'h mil HUD, or that, CXOCUtfid for the ( 'onslabh 1 . Vasari, ed. Mil., v. 15M, 171; Villol, Cat. Louvre; Land<in, xii. I'l lil. Ily Tiiilofi-lln, I'H rni u (iallery. Christ, bornn to I he |i in: i i in a desert place, with u melancholy sky, against which Hie thren crosses are seen ill the dis- tance, together with the ruins of I ho cut lie shed of the nativity. In this pict- ure sublimity of concep- tion mid grandeur of col- our are KCCII in Hie highest perfection. Ituskin, Mod. Painters, ii. I CM ; iii. :t2-l. Ily Tin/nri'tln, S. Fran- cesco della Yigim, Venice; canvas, arched at the top. In foreground, the Virgin HWooning. attended by lo women ; in mid- dleground, Christ borne to the tomb liy I lie disciples, above them an angel with u wreath ; in background, to right, tlm three on a hill, iih lionmn soldiers. I'.i by L. Kilian. Ch. Illiinc, ficolo vunitienne. Ily 'I'lliiin, Louvre ; canvas, Jl. ft. 1(1 in. C ft. H in. Tlm body <if Christ, HIIH- I" n. led in a cloth, borne, by Nicodemus mid Joseph of Arimathea, tho latter with 0110 knee on a stone ; St. John Evangelist, be- hind, holds up one arm ; thi> Virgin and Magdiilen at left. Painted in Mmitim in 15'2:l for Duke I'Vderigo (lon/.iigil ; in inven- tory of tho Mantmin Palace in 1C27 ; piiHHed thence in collection of Churlos I., lifter whose death il, vas Hold furXl'20 to Jiibuch,