Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/55

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F.I'A.MIXO.NDAS who disposed of it to Louis XIV. One of pupil of D.'ifweldorf Academy. His picture-* the great pictures of the world, in which show inventive jxwer, humour, and toclini- tbe grandest drawing, composition, and ex- cal skill. Works: Sitistied Artist; Shot - pression are combined with the most effer- maker teaching a Bird to whistle ; Three tive chiaroscuro, the most splendid colour, Drunken Men returning from Fair ; Village and the deejjest sentiment. An inferior Painter admiring his Work ; Di-.m ived copy, probably by a disciple of Titian's, was Lover of Flowers ; Morning after Masijuer- sold lately from the Palazzo Manfrini, Venice, adc Ball |I8.~1). -Mnller, 101. Original study in the Venice Academy. Kn- KUDMANN, MOI'ilT/, bom at Arneburg graved by (i. Itousselet ; Chaperon; Mai- near Slendal, April l'i, IKI.">. Landscape son; Joli. de Marc. C. A C., Titian, i. 28:!; painter, pupil of Br-rlin Academy and of Vasari, cd. Mil., vii. r>8 ; Filhol, i. PI. fJI'.i ; Hermann Kvhke ; travelled throu/h G. r Mundler, 208 ; K-indon, Mus'c, vii. PI. ~>7 ; manv, Holland, Sw(-den, and, for one year, Van der Doort's Cat. ; Scharfu Old London, vi.-jted Italv. Works: Heath on the Ke/eu- '.V.W. iteiu in Hart/ Mountains; Morsum ClifTs on By Ttlum, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. I I^le of Sylt ; Moonlight in Oallmars Fjord ; ft. G ill. X 5 ft, !) ill. ; signed. Theme some- Green ( irotto in ( ' ipri ; Villa of Hadrian at, what different, from the I/mvre example. Tivoli ; Arpia ( ,'laudia of Carnpo Santo, N.i- and less rich in tints and less engaging in pies; Roman C impagna. Muller, 101. form. Painted in 1",!) for Philip II. and KKDMANN, OTTO, born in L ip-i.- in sent to Madrid, with the Diana and Act.-eon 18:;(. (Jenre painter, and the Diana and Callisto, to take the place pupil of L< ip-ii'- Acad- of one despatched in 1~>">7, but lost, on the emy, studied in DP way. Placed in Ii')Val Chapel at Aranjue/, den and Munich, and and after Phili]>'s death in the Kscorial. in 18."iH set tier I n, I)us- Originol sketch at Oxford University. Copies, seldorf. Works: Tal- with variations, of picture in Madrid Mu- ented Children ; Suc- Heum, the Escorinl, Ambrosiana in Milan, cessful Wooing ; Ulind Torrigiani Collection, Horence, and Vienna Man's IJuff (IMO:'.', Miiwum. (,'. .^ C., Titian, ii. 28!). I>-ip-,ic .Museum ; K. EPAMINONDAS, ancient, pictures. See |>ectation ; IJeceptionof AriflnlaiiK, KitjiltriitiHi: Bridegroom; Visit, EPHOHl'S, ]>ainter, of Kjihesus, alx>ut from the Country ; Secret Message ; He loves '{45 l!.c. F'imt m;tster of A]x-lles. Suid. v. me, he loves me not ; Accepted Suitor ; Ke- EPIPHANY. See Mm/I, Adoration of. je.-ted Suitor; Couple in the Woods; Fort EPP, IM'DOLF, Ixirn at Kbcrbach, I'aden, une-Tr-ller ; Interrupted Piano I/ sv.n ; Con- Jury, 18IJI. Genre and jxtrtrait ]>ainter, vernations; Flattering Ilenommendation ; pupil of Carlsmhe Art School undi-r Dev Journey to the Fiancee; lietrothal King coudres. Since 1805 settled at Munich. (IH80); Chamlx-rmaid in Uococo-timc, Works: Hide and S<-ek (1801); Mother and Found for Life (188 1). Paints also excellent sleeping Child ; Christmas Eve ; I {lack For- |xrt raits. Miiller, 101 ; Illustr. /!(/. est Idyl ; Hop Harvest ; Mother and Child ; (I88i, i. 2Ht. Juggler performing Ix-forc Peasants ; Unwel- KPJIAKDT, GEOUG FKIKDICICH, born CfJine Guest ; Cat's Breakfast. Mnller, 101. at Winterboch, Wurtemlx-rg, in IH2"), died EHCOLE DA FEHHAHA or FEIIHAIC- in Stuttgart, S.-pt. 20, 1881. Portrait ESE. S:e f/rantli. painter, studied first in IV-rlin, then in EKDMAXN, LUDWIG, Ix.m atB.lecke, Stuttgart under Gegenbauer, whom he as- near Paderborn, iu 1820. Genre paiuUir, sisU;d in UM palace frescos ; frequented the