Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/56

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EPJGOXUS Munich Academy in 1848-49, and then set- tenstein Gallery, ib. ; 3 pictures in Madrid tied in Stuttgart, whore he received the Museum ; others in Turin, Nancy, Lille, great gold medal, and in 1876 became . Ghent, Frank- court-painter. Works : Portraits of King I / IT"* ^* * ort) an< * Stock- Charles of Wiirtemberg, Queen Pauline, J ^^ f* j ^ llolm Museums. King William, Quoeu Olga, King Frederic Allgem. d. as Prussian Colonel ; numerous portraits Biogr., vi. 330 ; Biog. nat. de Belgique, vi. and family groups of Stuttgart aristocracy. 695 ; Kramm, ii. 442 ; Mlchiels, x. 420 ; Van Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 42. den Branden, 1108. ERIGONUS, of Sicyon, about 230 B.C., ESBRATT, NOEL RAYMOND, born in colour-grinder to AVa/cvs, and afterwards his Paris in 1809, died there in 1850. Laud- pupil. Erigonus was the master of J'a*ui.->. scape painter, pupil of Wattelet and Lethiere. Pliny, xxxv. 40 [145]. Medals : 3d class, 1844; 2d class, 1847. ERILLUS, Herillus, or Phrylus, painter, Works : Lake of Brienz (1844); Banks of about 420 B.C. Mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. the Seine near Caudebec (1847), Ministry GO) as an artist of note. of the Interior ; Fountain near Bourbonne KRMELS, JOHANN FRAN/, born near (1842); View iu the Park of Eu (1845); Val- Cologne iu 1021 or 1(541, died in Nurem- ley of the Nievre (1848); A Watering Place berg, Dec. 3, 10!)!). German school; his- for Horses (1852); Visit of Napoleon III. to torv and landscape painter, pupil in Co- Sologne (1853), ordered by State ; Pasture, logne of Johann Hulsman. At Utrecht he Mouth of the Somme. Larousse. studied the landscapes of Jan Both, and at , ESCALANTE, JUAN ANTONIO, born Nuremberg associated himself with Willem at Cordova in 1030, died in Madrid in 1070. van Bemmel iu 1000, and painted the tig- Spanish school ; pupil of Francisco Rizi, but ures in his landscapes. Works : Christ and imitated Tintoretto. Painted historical and Samaritan Woman ; Resurrection, Ascen- : religious compositions. Works : Holy Fam- sion (1063), St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg ; Land- ily. Child Jesus and St. John, Abigail, Tri- scape with approaching Storm. Landscape umph of Faith over the Senses, Madrid Mu- in Evening Light, both in Stildel Institute, seum ; St. Joseph Frankfort; Landscape with Animals, Mann- and Infant. Christ, I. heim Gallery ; Landscape with ruined Mon- j Hermitage, St. Po- [* uinent, Vienna Museum ; Waterfall, Cologne tersburg; Fortune- I Museum ; Rocky Landscape, Kunsthalle, ' Teller, Hague Mu- Hamburg ; Landscape in Storm, Oldenburg scum. Stirling, iii. 1026 ; Viardot, 289 ; Gallery. Allgem. d. Biogr., vi. 231 ; Merlo, ( Madrazo, 395. Nachrichten, 110. ESCALIER, NICOLAS (FELIX), born in ES (Essen), JACOB VAN, born in Ant- ' Paris ; contemporary. Architecture, figure, werp, Oct. 15, 1606, died there, buried and portrait painter, pupil of Andre and De- March 11, 1660. Flemish school ; painter launay. Medal, 2d class, 1884. Works : of animal and still life, especially fish and , Interior of St. Mark's, Venice, do. of San other marine animals; pupil of Omer van Miniato, Florence (1873); The first Model Ommcn ; admitted to guild of St. Luke in j (1875); Doge Dandolo the Elder (1870); 1640. Works: Fruitpiece, Lille Museum; Decorative Panel (1878); A Surprise for the Crabs and Fruit, Oysters and Fish, Nancy ' Inhabitants of the Rialto, Venice (1881); A Museum ; Fruit with Dead Game and Ves- happy Occurrence (1884); Andante (1885). sels, Antwerp Museum ; Fish Market (2), Frescos in Palazzo Lubia, Venice (1873). with figures by Jordaens, Museum, Vienna ; ESCALLIER, Mine. ELEONORE, born Breakfast Table, Fruitpiece (1640), Liech- at Poligny (Jura); contemporary. Still-life 24