Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/61

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ElTtOl'A 6 in.; signed, dated Romr, 1007. A sea- coast view in early morning light ; Europa and the bull in foreground, and group of trees in middle distance ; in background, left, hills. Replica of picture painted for Pope Alexander VII. in 1055. Bought liv George IV. at Lord Gwydyr sale (18'2D) for 2,000. Engraved by Rad civile, and by Claude himself. Liber Veritatis, No. l:$0. Another Europa, Liber Veritatis, 144, was in collection of Sir Philip Miles, Leigh whose hands it passed to the Orleans Collec- tion ; sold in 171)8 to Lord Berwick for .C700. Copy by Rubens in Madrid Museum ; an- other, probably by Del Mazo, is in collection of Sir Richard Wallace ; poor copy in Dul- wich Gallery. C. & C., Titian, ii. HI!) ; Yaa- gen, Treasures, iii. 11). By Paolo 'irv>u'x<; Pala/./o Ducale, Ven- ice ; canvas. Jupiter, in the form of a bull, lying down under trees to receive Europa, who, aided by attendants, is beating herself Rape of Europa, Paolo Veronese, Palazzo Ducale, Venice. Court. Wangen, Treasures, ii. 2:5 ; Patti- son, Claude Lorrain, 71, 227. By Titian, Cobham Hall, England ; can- vas, H. 5 ft. 10 in. xO ft. 8 in.; signed. Jupiter, in the form of a bull, with Europa on his back, rushes through the brine, while Eros, with expanded wings, clings to a dol- phin following, and two Cupids fly over- head ; in the distance Europa's companions on the shore bewail her loss. Painted in 1562 for Philip II. of Spain ; given by Philip V. in 1704 to Marquis de Grarumont, through on his back; above, two Cupids bring wreaths of flowers, and a third holds the bull by a cord attached to a wreath around his horns ; at right, the bull is seen entering the water with Europa on his back, with attendants, and Cupid bearing a torch ; in distance, tho bull swimming, with attendants on shore taking leave of Europa. Left to the Repub- lic by Bertucci Contarini in 1715. Taken to Paris in 1798 ; returned in 1817. Ruskin says : One of the very few pictures which both possess and deserve a high reputation.