Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/62

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EUSE15JO Replica in Capitol Gallery, Rome ; anollicr, small, with changes, National Gallery, Lon- don. Engraved by Rainaldi ; Lefebvre. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 297 ; Klas. cler Malerei, PI. 70 ; Landon. Musee, xv. I'l. 2!) ; llighetti, Canipidoglio, ii. I'l. 2t)G ; Rosini, v. 274 ; Reveil, xii. 823. EUSEBIO Dl SAN GIORGIO. Sec San Giorgio. EUTHYMIDES, third-rate painter, place and dale unknown (Pliny, xxxv. 40 |14(iJ). Perhaps identical with Euthymides of Ha- dria, son of Polius, vase-painter, whose name is on a vase found at Yulei. EUTYCHIDES, painter, place and date unknown. His picture of a two-horse char- iot is mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 40 |141|). Perhaps identical with the sculptor of the same name from (Sic-yon, mentioned by Pau- sanias (vi. 2. (J) and Pliny (xxxiv. 78). EUXINIDAS, painter, master of Arixtidcs of Thebes, about 400-380 B.C. Works un- known. Pliny, xxxv. 30 [74]. EYANS, DE SCOTT, born in Boston, Ind., iii 1847. Portrait and genre painter, Cfeation of Eve, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome. pupil of Bouguereau in Paris, 1877-78. Studio in Cleveland, where he is professor in 11 K! Academy of Eiue Arts. Exhibits at the National Academy, New York. Ideal works : Mother's Treasure, T. D. Crocker, Cleveland ; In the Studio ; Old Tapestrv, The Answer (1881); Old Clock, Taxidermist (1882); Old Spring House, Morning (1883); Birthday Card (1884). EVANTHES, painter, of Egypt, 4th cen- tury 11. c. Painted an Andromeda and a Prometheus for the Temple of Zeus Kasius at Pelusium. Achilles Tatius, iii. (edition Jacobs). EVE, CREATION OF, Michelangelo, Sis- tine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. II- , lustration of Genesis ii. 21-23. EYENOR, painter, of Ephesus, father and master of J'urrhaxiux, lived about 420 B.C. Pliny, xxxv. 30 [GO]; Pans. 1, 28, 2; Athen. xii. p. 543. EYERDINGEN, ALLART (Aider!) VAN, born at Alkmaar iii 1021 (?), died in Amsterdam, r .-=* -y, I Nov., 1075. V' Dutch school ; ^-* J* 1 !' landscape paint- er, pupil at Ut- recht of Roelandt Saveiy, and the x master of Back- " huysenandlluys- d a c 1. Fro m 1045 to 1051 lived at Haarlem, and from 1054 to 1075 in Amsterdam. Everdingen's landscapes are poetic and spirited. His treatment of rocks and waterfalls, forests and sea-views, is truthful and vigourous, both in his pictures and his numerous etchings. Many of his studies from nature were made in Norway, which he visited in 1G40-44. Works: Norwegian Landscapes (2), National Museum, Amsterdam ; Two Waterfalls, Rot- terdam Museum ; Rocky Landscape, Vienna Museum ; Landscapes (2), Louvre ; River Landscape (1048), Norwegian Waterfall, Nor- wegian Landscapes (2), Wood eel Slope, Cas- tle by River, Berlin Museum ; Waterfall with Alpine Hut, Norwegian Landscape (1047), Brunswick Museum ; Ravine with Torrent, Cologne Museum ; Landscape with Waterfall (1050), Storm at Sea, 2 Landscapes, Old Pin- akothek, Munich; Stag-Hunt (1043), 4 Land- scapes, Dresden Gallery ; Mountain Torrent in Norway, Breslau Museum ; Stormy Sea, Landscape with Mill, Norwegian Landscape, 30